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Harry Potter Week: Scavenger Hunt Contest!


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Welcome to Harry Potter Week 2010! This is the Scavenger Hunt Contest, for which you will all be competing to come in first :biggrin: Every day, I will post here three things. These three things are:


1. An item from the world of Harry Potter: you must find a picture of this item somewhere on the internet

2. A potion, spell, jink, hex, or curse: you must send me the ingredients, or the incantation, respectively

3. A quote: you must tell me which character said this


Please do not post your answers here, but email them to me at littlebit_liz@live.com. Make sure you include your DM username so I know who to credit to! The deadline for all questions/items will be Sunday, November 21st @ 2PM CST. That means, if you miss a day, you have the rest of the week to get your answers in to me.


Whoever sends me the most correct answers by the deadline wins!


Here are your questions/items for Day 1 of the Scavenger Hunt! Again, please do not post your answers here. Email me with your answers at littlebit_liz@live.com. Remember, include your DM username in the email!


1. Find a picture of Hedwig.

2. List the ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion.

3. Tell me who said this: "Goblin-made armour does not require cleaning, simple girl. Goblins' silver repels mundane dirt, imbibing only that which strengthens it."


Hunt away! I await your answers :D


Here is Day 2! Remember, you have until Saturday, 11PM CST to turn in all answers, including the answers from Day 1, if you want to catch up. Please do not reply here; email me your answers at littlebit_liz@live.com. Don't forget to include your DM name in the email!


1. Find me a picture of Slytherin's locket.

2. Give me the incantation for the spell which reveals human presence in a building.

3. Tell me who said this: "Squibs were usually shipped off to Muggle schools and encouraged to integrate into the Muggle community...much kinder than trying to find them a place in the wizarding world, where they must always be second class..."


Day 3! Email me your answers at the above mentioned address. Do not post them here! You have until the deadline to submit all answers, so if you've missed the last couple days, you can still catch up!


1. Find me a picture of the Deluminator

2. Tell me a spell (not a potion) which can disguise or hide a person.

3. Tell me who said this: "There is nothing Dark about the Hallows - at least, not in that crude sense."


Here is Day 4. Keep it up, y'all are doing awesome so far. Remember, do not post your answers here. Email me at littlebit_liz@live.com. If you're behind, you can still catch up! Deadline for all answers is Saturday @ 11PM CST.


1. Find me a picture of the Deathly Hallows sign. (The one Lovegood wears)

2. Give me the ingredients for the Draught of Living Death

3. Tell me who said this: "Now he seeks another, more powerful, wand, as the only way to conquer yours."


Here is Day 5, the last day! I meant to post this way earlier, so I am extending the deadline until tomorrow, Sunday, November 21 @ 2PM CST. If you haven't been doing this all week, you can still catch up! Tomorrow's deadline is for all answers. Do not post your answers here! Email me at littlebit_liz@live.com


1. Find me a picture of a Snitch

2. Give me the incantation for the spell which shows what was last cast by a wand

3. Tell me who said this: "But my death will not bring you what you seek...there is so much you do not understand..."


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