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Newbie and not really sure what to do next


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Hey ! I'm new to these forums, and i'd like to take part in the Dragon reborn roleplaying, and to enter the White Tower as a novice (if the testing goes right :)) I do not quite understand the procedure, though... Can somebody help me ?


Thanks :)


PS : I'm French, so please forgive the langage mistakes

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Welcome to DM... :) Nice name choice... hehe *points to her own* I usually go by Jhae.


Anyways... this is the Community side of DM... non role playing side. You'll want to go to this board: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=86 to find White Tower role players. I think they'll have some other posts on how to get into the role playing and submitting a bio and all that fun stuff over there. Ohh and I think you have to make sure you joined the PSW Dragon Reborn Usergroup (look in Usergroups at the top left of the page).


Good luck and have fun! (And your English seems great... :wink: )

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Whoopsie ! Just realized there was a topic for New people on this forum ! *blushes* I'll look better next time...


Thanks for the help and the compliments ! I guess i'll go by Larra then :p


I'll take your advice and check the URL you gave me, thanks again for the nice welcome :)

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I speak English AND redneck. *grins* It's a talent and a gift. I'm also learning Ebonics and Gulla, much to the delight of my students. LOL


Welcome to the Tower and please don't run away? *bats her eyes becomingly*

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