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Guest Morthane

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Guest Morthane

Hey guys, first post and everything, I was wondering what all of your opinions are on the most important things to be included in any movie adaptation of The Eye Of The World. As in, some things would obviously be shortened, (probably things like the really long journey to Caemlyn), and some things would need to be referenced in passing (like the Tower of Ghenjei) and some things are too important to miss (like meeting Loial).


Out of all the different events, which ones to you would have to feature? It can be pivotal character moments, moments that make you emotional, points of history, snippets of foreshadowing, vital plot points, things to set up other events or simply moments of pure awesome. Favourite lines can be included too :)


(I hope this is the right place to post this...)


I don't think I'd be satisfied unless every tiny detail was included exactly as it is in the books.

But then, I guess we have the books for that.


To be honest, we won't know until AMoL is written whether any certain thing could be left out or adapted. People and things have a way of showing up later in the story.


I was going to say that the Grinwell farm scene could be left out, but then I remembered Else goes to the Tower, Lanfear wears an illusion of her while hanging out there, Mat sees her and she basically tells him to stay away, it puts him in a mood that he wants to prove himself somehow, so he fights Galad and Gawyn at once, wins silver to have enough money to gamble with, wins enough money gambling to escape out of Tar Valon...


The Rand and Mat trip to Caemlyn would probably be the easiest to trim down, though.


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