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Its got me gripped!!


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it only gets better :baalzamon:


once you hit LoC, the books kinda slow down imo, but in KoD's it picks back up and steam rolls in TGS & ToM to the last battle. just a word of advice, stay away from the book discussion threads cause of spoilers; and over in the White Tower SG, the Ajahs are trying to put together a mass re-read of the series before the release of MoL.


it's still in the planning stages, but keep a watch over on our public board if your interested :happy:




how far are you in EotW?


meh, EotW is a typical book in the series. the start is strong, the middle medium paced while building up to a huge climatic point, and the climatic point is reached at the end. in the middle, while it's medium paced, you have some up & downs in it; like mini battles and character discoveries :laugh:



nah, imo you don't hit the slower paced books until after LoC. then the last two books released TGS & ToM steam roll with event after event. once you get to the slower paced books, don't put the series down. trust me no matter what you may think at the time it WORTH it to keep on reading *nods*


I have a cake tasting today at 6. Last year was the first time my fiancee saw me disappear for two days (TGS) and she wondered why the series was such an obsession so she started reading it, she's half way through TGS now. For someone who's never read a fantasy series I'm damn impressed... so I'm going to the cake tasting. :p


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