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Book 13 Bandwagon-Jumper


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Hi! I'm thrilled to join the community at last. I've always avoided the forums (except for occasional lurkage around book-release time) because I didn't need yet another internet diversion keeping me from earning a living, but with the series wrapping up so soon I figured it was time.


A bit about me and the WoT: I started reading just after the LoC paperback release - I was 13. Since aCoS, I've bought each new release on the day of and read it on the spot. In the early days I kept notes and did regular re-reads, I had an indexed binder full of notes about prophecies, viewings, known BA, etc. That level of devotion faded around tPoD. I can't remember when I stopped doing full series re-reads before each new release - probably around WH or tCoT. Anyhow, I never missed a release, and the first Jordan-Sanderson installment last year kind of rejuvenated me as a more active fan.


Favorite books? In no particular order: tEotW, tFoH, LoC. Favorite character? I'm a Rand loyalist, and also a big fan of a lot of the major secondary characters - folks like Siuan or Sorilea. Min is my favorite of Rand's three ladies (obviously) but the Rand-Avi Seanchan scene remains probably my most cherished hook-up of the series. My go-to baddie is Lanfear.


What else? Like everyone else, I'm chewing over everything we've just learned in ToM, and counting down the days to aMoL. Looking forward to jumping into things here!


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