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Hi to all of the Kin :biggrin:


Been around on DM for a while and thought it was high time to venture into the other great SG's (I ususally haunt the towers(both black and white)) :happy:


So the Kin looks like a great place to be part of. Sign me up :smile:

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Hello and welcome to the Kin! Lor should be along shortly to give you your Blue sash and welcome you, in the mean time feel free to look around, join in and make friends.


Tell us about yourself!


I'm Torrie, staff here at the Kin. Mother of two in RL. I start a new job on Monday after a month of unemployment. I coach 5 year old soccer. Love to camp and am a all around tomboy.


Again, welcome!

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Hmm, the "me" speech.. Not very good at these :wacko:


Ive been around on DM for a while and just expanding into more SG's so i already know a few people around here *eyes Bale* and looking to meet everyone.

I enjoy DM, spending time with my fiance, reading and looking after my pets - got a few of these - a cross collie dog called Tara, 2 cats Xander and Spike a kitten called Sophie, 3 Rats Buffy, Anya and Willow a Rabbit called Fred(shes Winnifred really but Fred for short) and a hamster called Giles.

Yeah theres a bit of a Buffy/Angel theme in the names :biggrin:

Im working at the moment in call centre but my contracts due up end of November so who knows what ill be doing then?


Anyone got any jobs going? :laugh:

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Guest BaLefireP

Hey Bale :biggrin: Glad to be here.


Hows your hand doing?


Like I said, I heal like Wolverine!


It is almost all the way completely healed already.


*is getting an awesome looking scar from it*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have NO IDEA how I missed your thread on my treks through the Kin between my writing splurges! I'm SOOOO SORRY!


*clears her throat and adjusts her sash, then wraps a Blue one around Kemmian and kisses both cheeks*


Welcome to the Kin, babe! :D

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*grins at Lor* It happens babe!


Welcome to the Kin Keiman! Hope I got the name right! LOL I tend to spell everyone's name wrong for awhile...LOL ask poor Taie..don't think I've gotten it right yet!

My name is Twinnie! I used to bounce around here a lot..but as of lately have been a bit gone! Hoping to be around more though..in any case..


Welcome to our amazing and wonderful family of Kinsters! Make yourself at home..join in and there is this..*hands her a shiny blue knitting needle* Now you don't need to knit with that! Around here we use them to poke each other...with affection and all in fun! Like this...


*starts bouncing around poking Keiman, Lor, Torrie and Bale with her red knitting needle the bells on it merrily ringing!*

e K

I'm also one of the Kin staffers, so you can ask me anything..although you can ask just about any of us questions and we will have an answer! Be sure to check in on the Birthday thread and the contact thread!

Now get to poking! *hugs and gives a welcome kiss to Kieman's forhead and a little poke!*

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