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le jamesie


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You know Sam, he's gone by so many names though that its little wonder you can't place him. Talon Masters, Irvine Kinneas, Magneto, Rupert Miles, Kain and a fair number of other ones :D


*Smacks Estel with a rotten tomato for sniping him in another thread*

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Me? You're a serial killer! The fact you drown them in blue champagne may distract others from the fact that they've been drowned, but I'm onto you! :P


*Uses the tomatoes in the wagon as ammunition as he proceeds to half bludgeon, half stink Estel to death*

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*randomly drowns James in blueberry pie filling*




Com'on Roka.. you wouldn't eat me, would you?? *puppy eyes.... and hidden daggers behind her back*

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[beats James with a crowbar]


hey, it's not like they know they're dieing anyway, they can't really feel the pain when they're totally smashed...

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I know Talon, not the other handles though... my he did get around... and James... you remember the most unimportant things, imagine what you could achieve if you focused on important ones :P



No Arie, I wont eat you, I don't do that anymore, it's just a way of greeting people now heh. Ghaul is welcome to you.





James, you avoiding SG org for a reason? I'm missing the old crowd, save for Nyn, there's no oldies there, Noggy is on less and less, damn his work and wifey *shakes fist*


You'd like some people... the SG/BT darkie crowd primarilly *nods*

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Something constructive, but thats not who I am Roka :) And wise idea Stani, very wise :D


And no, I'm not avoiding SG Org as such. Its just that I need a consistent activity to work on with others, like I do with the RP here. Otherwise I can't remain focused, which is why whenever I start up at SG Org I only last a bit then slip again. I already have a huge range of people that rely on me to heckle and demean them without taking up an Org specifically for that :)


Which is why you should make a character and RP again you gimp :P Its been long enough since you last RP'd here, and the problems that led to you leaving no longer exist. Don't be soft and make a character :D

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