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**Brings in a few cups and tea and shows Song to a seat**


Song! Wonderful to see you in another one of my homes!


Welcome, welcome, welcome!


Lor will be along shortly and have your Blue Sash for you.


In the meantime, tell us about you.

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I am a 22 yr old female and am from Minnesota, though unlike Froggy, I hate it here! I'm originally from Texas, so cold=not good to me. I love the outdoors and such, but only in warmer climates. I will eventually move south. lulz Never married, no kids. I live in a tiny town, 2 hrs from the nearest movie theatre, 1 1/2 hrs from the nearest McDonalds (that's the one I'm most upset about). I know it sucks.


I am not going to school right now, taking a break to get refocused :rolleyes: but eventually I will go back. I'm in the MN Army National Guard and I am a medic. I love my job in the military, am thinking about going active so I can do it everyday. On the civilian side I work at a campground currently, but that ends this weekend so I am currently looking for a winter job, hopefully somewhere inside as we do tend to get a bunch of snow.


I love reading books of all kind. i started reading WoT about 6 months ago and got hooked. I'm not too into reading the theories, I'll read the minor ones that don't go too in depth, but I don't really read the ones that are like 10 pages. Not because I don't like spoilers, because I do, but because they tend to make my head hurt. :laugh:


I love music. I listen mostly to "screamo" music (I hate that word because it's too broad of a description, but I guess that's closer than anything else) A Day to Remember, From Autumn to Ashes, Taking Back Sunday, etc, but I also love country and popular music. I love going to parties or occasionally out to the bars/clubs. I lurv politics, I can get very fired up when talking about my beliefs. I love talking to random people, and I love making new friends :happy: There's a little bit about myself, if you'd like to know more feel free to ask questions or send me a PM

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Guest BaLefireP

*hugs her bro* Yep I joined :happy: Yeah I'm from Corpus Christi originally. Give me that 100 degree weather 99.99% humidity any day :wub:



I am from the Denton area, but my heart is with El Paso. :wub:



(likes HOT weather)

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Guest BaLefireP

Texas, in general, is where yt heart is. I will eventually move back there, and I don't even care where, as long as it isn't on the border.




Hello. It's good to see you here.


Hello Pan! How be you doing? :laugh:

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*hugs her bro* Yep I joined :happy: Yeah I'm from Corpus Christi originally. Give me that 100 degree weather 99.99% humidity any day :wub:


Sing it, Sister! I'm from South Georgia and I hate being cold!


*clears her throat and winks*


*wraps a blue sash around Song's hips and kisses both cheeks*


WELCOME TO THE KIN! :D Just in time for the fun to start! *grins*

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*excitedly spins around to give everyone a good look at her new blue sash* Thanks Lor :happy: Are there Hidden boards I'll eventually get to see? not to be impatient or anything. :biggrin:


Yeah the cold just really creeps into your bones and it just sucks. Maybe I'll move back to Hawaii. I've lived many places in the US, and that was definitely one of my favs also.

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