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Is Min a Finn?


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Reading the Chapter where Mat goes through the doorway in Tear. When he asks his question, one of the Finns look above his head to answer. Above the head is usually where Mins usually sees her auras.


Is Mins ability a much cruder version of the Finns to read the passage of the thread's destiny?


No, Min's abilities has nothing to do with the Finns.


Knife of Dreams tour 26 October 2005 - Tremul reporting


Tremul: Do Min and the 'Finn do the same thing when predicting and answering questions?

Jordan: No



Crossroads of Twilight Book Tour, Barnes and Noble signing NY, NY - 7 January 2003 - David Funcke reporting


When RJ signed my copies of WH and CoT, I asked him a question. Because of wording he uses when describing the Finn and their meeting with Mat, I thought that maybe Min’s viewings had some relation to them. RJ describes the Finn as looking, not at Mat, but at the air around Mat’s head. I thought this was similar to the way Min sees her viewings. Are they related, I asked him?


No, he said flatly.


theres more information here https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcjspjqg_93c3grpndc


Found the quote below on the WOT reference library...




From: TOR Questions of the Week, February 2005-July 2005

Week 1 Question: s there any relation between what the Aelfinn do and Min's ability?


Robert Jordan Answers: No, there is no connection between what the Aelfinn do and what Min does.


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