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Accepted Interview for Kathleen Vandiar


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Dragonmount Handle: Kathleen

Full Character Name: Kathleen Vandiar


Part 1 - Out of Character

1.1. Which Ajah do you aspire to join and why?

I aspire to join the Green Ajah. I have given the character a lot of thought and my (her) reasoning is well defined and thought out in the oaths I have already written, here is a small portion of that which hopefully conveys the decision well.


" She wanted to do it all, and feel like part of a team working together, yet be able to strongly go her way and feel like she could hold her own. Her motivation as Aes Sedai was to be able to solve conflicts and what better place for someone with that purpose than the Green Ajah."


She is very strong-willed, independent, stubborn when she needs to be. She has qualities of all the Ajah's but she feels that these qualities can be better used in the context of the Battle Ajah than being the main focus of individual groups, and in wanting to use all of the main aspects of the other Ajahs she is hoping she can use them all in the most productive way as a Green.


Another big reason for her to pick this ajah is that when she was kidnapped as an Accepted she found that at the most important times, when her safety was in question she found herself either unable to channel or that it wasn't enough to protect herself. She since has always had that feeling and thought in the back of her head and knows that she needs to be able to protect herself and others through other means. It is her opinion that the Green Ajah would be the best place to learn such things.


1.2. How old would you place your Aes Sedai in the Main Timeline?

I would have at about 90, she would have some time to be a little more experienced in the world and loose the last bit of hang over from the Accepted years where she was always trying to please the Aes Sedai, and would now feel completely on par with them. She would be able to hold a Sitter position should the opportunity present itself, but she is still young enough that she isn't really an Old AS, just a little more experienced.


1.3. Have you role-played with any members of your aspiring Ajah? If so, who? What sort of impact did that member have on your character?

I have RPed with Rasheta, and she had a major impact on Kathleen. The RP was about Kathleen being kidnapped and Rasheta and her warder Adrian rescuing her. I feel that because of the circumstances it is only natural that there would be some level of extra respect and awe for Kathleen to feel about her rescuer. They were gone for about 2 weeks and given all they went through together Kathleen did become more close with the Aes Sedai than she had with any other and there was a bit of a personal connection made.


1.4. Define freely what your character sees to be her Ajah's purpose? Does if differ from the norm?

This is taken from my oaths, but again I feel it describes her ideas on the matter best. " ...not every conflict needs violence to fix it. In those cases the Greens would stand just as firmly and fight just as strongly without violence, but in the odd time that violence is the only answer these are the ones who stand ready to take it all on. They will stand, defend and protect those who cannot do it themselves... If there is another way to solve a conflict it will be tried, but when the time comes that there is no other option than to stand and fight not only do these women stand for what they believe or what needs to be stood for, they will not just let their warders jump into danger to protect them, they will fight alongside their Warders to protect them as well"


I am not sure how others perceive this Ajah, but I think this is a fair conclusion for an Accepted to hold.


1.5. What kind of a role would you like your character and you OOCly to have in your Ajah and in the White Tower?

Anyone who knows me knows I am willing to help with anything I can, and with anything that needs to be done. I will step up into any position that I can do well that needs doing, but I am just as content to post and RP and have that be all. I am very active, when there are others to interact with, and I have loads of free time to devote to the WT IC and OOC, if it should need me.


Part 2 - In Character Development


2.1. What kind of a woman was your character when she was enrolled as a novice and what kind of a woman is she now?

When Kathleen was first enrolled she was a very strong minded girl who was completely out of her element and in shock and awe at the tower and all it meant being real. She became very timid and introverted and always tried to please others but now she has completely pulled back to the strong solid girl she was and is very much in charge of herself and stands for what she thinks she should no matter what others think.


2.2. What have been the most important, defining events in her life and how have they changed her? Separate the events to life before the Tower, life as novice and life as Accepted. Who are the people that have affected her life the most as Novice and as Accepted and how have they done that?

Before going to the tower the most defining event was the death of her mother, finding the great serpent ring she was told to return to the tower, the decision she made to leave her family without telling them (which was hard because family was always the most important thing and she left them the day her mother died), and finding out after two years of traveling to it that the White Tower really existed and that the stories her mother told her had all been true (to some degree).


As a novice she started to close herself off and worry about making sure that she always looked and acted exactly how she thought others thought she should. It was very hard for her to be worrying about that all the time and it often got her into trouble. After a long time of this, and after giving some Aes Sedai some laxitives by mistake because she was worrying about paying attention instead of actually paying attention, she realized that she had to relax a little more. It still didn't completely set in that she had to just be herself though.


As Accepted she started realizing this more and it finally all broke through during her Advanced Saidar class when they were walking the bridges of air over water. She fell through over and over and any hope of looking dignified was washed away, but then when no one said anything or even seemed to notice she realized how pointless it was to try to so hard to be exactly what everyone wanted you to be when they really didn't even care/notice that you exist. This is when she started to find her self and really want to be the best she could be for herself.


The kidnapping when she was Accepted was the most defining moment of this in a lot of ways. She had to make split second decisions for herself and to aid others and then go with it, no matter what the out come. She was often alone and had to figure out how to get by in a dangerous situation by herself. She learned her strengths and weaknesses and that even though she can use the one power it doesn't solve all the problems in the world and there is more to life than being able to channel. \


2.3. What are your character's weaknesses? Strengths? What is her inner struggle? What is her philosophy of life?

I believe I answered this in the question above.


2.4. What three words best describe your character's personality?

Strong, reliable, quick-thinking (ok that may not be one word, but its one concept!)


Part 3 - The Role of an Aes Sedai

3.1. What do you think the role of an Aes Sedai is ICly?

I believe the role of an AS IC is to represent the White Tower in the most attractive way to the rest of the world. It is the Role of the AS to help those in need and to protect people who cannot protect themselves.


3.2. What has been the greatest sacrifice your character has made to become an Aes Sedai?

Kathleen walked away from her family, on the day they would have needed her most. She effectively turned her back on her family which was the one thing she had been taught all her life to never do. She justifies it by reminding herself she was doing what her mother had asked her to do before she died, but she had only been told to go to the tower, not to stay there, and she knows what she did.


3.3. How is your character going to Serve All?

The Last Battle is coming and Kathleen wants to be able to help out in any way she can to stop it from happening or to make it end as quick as possible so it doesn't effect the world any more than it has to. She would face the Dark One himself if she could to save others from having to die for it. Until then she will do the work of the tower how ever she is asked, and she will hopefully go out into the world to see what kind of shape it is in and what needs the most protecting.


3.4. What would you like your character to achieve? What are her ambitions in life? What kind of RP plans do you have in mind for your Sister?

Honestly, at the moment I don't really have any RP's thought out. I plan on chatting with some other people about RPs to do together and just have fun with it. Once I get more comfortable with the time line, and what is appropriate to do I will be doing more and thinking up new stuff, but at the moment all I can see is maybe doing some training (if the Warders will be so kind as to help a young Aes Sedai) and do some more traveling around with some other Aes Sedai.


3.5. How does your character feel about Warders in general and of the whole bonding?

Kathleen believes that warders are an important part of an Aes Sedai's to-go bag. Extra eyes and hears to help out when needed and protection from dangers you do not see. She believes that the one(s) you have you should be close with and have serious trust and faith in. The closer you are the better and safer you will be. She knows that some bondeds are closer than others, and she wouldn't be apposed to having a relationship like that, but she knows it isn't necessary, and that sometimes being too close can be just as much a danger as not being close enough.



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