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DM 8.0--Anything Posted After Today (August 10) Will Be Lost!


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Barring unforeseen problems, Dragonmount 8.0 will be going online soon. I've played around on the new boards myself, and they are shiny, with a whole range of new options and social networking interfaces. For anyone interested Kath has been answer some questions on the General Discussions board for you to go through. Here is her original release.


Unless someone gives us a very compelling reason to move it back, Tuesday, Aug, 10 will be the LAST day that anything posted on the site will be preserved. Everything posted up until that point will be preserved and transferred to the new site. Everything afterward? Not so much.


What's getting moved? Your forum accounts, user registrations, signatures, PM boxes, forum posts, etc.  


Will these forums stay online during the transfer? Why yes they will! You will still be able to post to your little hearts content here. It just won't be transferred to the new site.


When will DM 8.0 be online? It'll be sometime between Aug. 29 and Sept. 2. When we know the exact date, we'll tell you. There are a number of factors coming together, but our hard deadline is that everything will be up and running by DragonCon.


Luckers! I tried clicking on Jenn's post, but I got the following message: "The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you."

Where did she post that?


One of our super secret staff boards. We call it the Thirteenth Lavatory, and even its existence is super secret, so if you tell anyone I told you make sure you stand your ground, and have them make you into a secret-keeper.


That's how people handle keeping secrets, right?




There's a convo over in the General Discussions thread where she's been chatting to people about it if you're interested.


Ooo, tell m- I mean, if some hypothetical DM member was harboring secret desires to see the inside of a staff lavatory at least once in his/her life, what else could you tell them about it???

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So it will be a different site with a different adress? Whats the new adress? Will the new forum be mobile phone compatible?


It'll be the same address. Just different forums and a different look.


Ooo, tell m- I mean, if some hypothetical DM member was harboring secret desires to see the inside of a staff lavatory at least once in his/her life, what else could you tell them about it???


Luckers has an annoying habit of posting pictures of himself wearing only a speedo. Makes the rest of the staff want to claw our eyes out.


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