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Question about Tanchico in The Shadow Rising?


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Ok so I'm reading through the Shadow Rising, I'm just past the chapter when Egeanin is re-introduced into the plot and is meeting with Gelb. The only problem is that I had to take a break from reading due to exams at university.

Anyway in the book are Tanchico's problems only caused by the influx of refugees from Toman Head (Falme) or are they in a civil war with anyone or at war with another nation? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm reading the series for the first time and it's really bugging me. I also love it btw.  :D

Anyway thanks for answering and peace out!!


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Tarabon has seen a high rate of Dragonswearing (:)), on top of not having a stable government to begin with. In addition, the King has just declared a new Panarch (I don't remember what happened to the last one). As if that weren't enough, the Seanchan have sent agents to prepare the city of Tanchico for conquest (by spreading chaos and conflict, I would think).

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Cool now I can keep reading peacefully!  :D

Oh and also a question about Imre Stand, I know it's main purpose is to be a shelter for herdsmen, whilst tending to the pastures, and also other Taardad seeking water. But do only gai shain stay there or are there Aiel shepherds?

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