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Wheel of Time symbol (Aes Sedai)


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hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I'm trying to find different versions of the wheel of time symbol...the one with the wheel and the snake eating its own tail. I know it sounds crazy but I actually want a tatoo of this symbol and I need some visuals. if any of you are great artists and could do up some nice shaded ones or if any of you know of some existing ones out there and could send them to me that would be great. I'm aiming for black and white so if any of you are so inclined to create one from scratch keep that in mind (i wish i could draw!!!). You can send any pics to matrim11@hotmail.com

Thanks so much to anyone who helps me out...take care!


-Mat (actually my real name lol. Mathew...with one 't')


hey algspkr. thanks for the concern. Though these books are my favorite, the tatoo has nothing to do with them. more like a metaphor for other stuff completely non wheel of time related.


thanks sarah! I did the Google search. There are a few versions there but none that blow my mind. also, they're a bit small. I REALLY appreciate your help! :)


Thanks Asmodean. I'm actually pretty set on the the wheel/snake symbol...I just can't find as many varieties of it (and large enough) as I'd like.


i assume you think the one in the books is two plain. The Aes Seadi symbol is the white half of the yin yang. The symbol from before the breaking is the yin yang. This makes the dragon fang the black part of it.


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