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Threads Woven of Shadow: Graendal's Palace


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LoC Ch 6

It is my understanding that this Sammael PoV takes place in Graendal's lair. I think I found something rather interesting. Very interesting indeed considering the context of where he is. The BuT perhaps?

The battlefield was here. The Great Lord's first touch when he broke free would land here. The rest of the world would be whipped by fringes of storms, even racked by storms, but those storms would generate here.

I am pretty certain this isn't Shayol Ghul or the Pit of Doom he's talking about. He is referring to the geographic location of Graendal's palace.  :o


The Ongoing Principal: If Sammael's understanding is true, and my interpretation of those lines is right, then this will become no less of an issue as time wears on in Randland. Then again, it may have recently become more of an issue since Rand went and launched a massive bolt of balefire in the area.

The Discussion Factor: Never discussed that I recall, and my forum search (glad thats working now) brought up nothing relevant to this.

Revelation Requirements: Given that most people up until that point would probably believe when the dark one breaks free he will spill forth directly from the pit of doom, yeah I'd say this is pretty big revelation.

Presence in the Later Books: Graendal's palace hasn't shifted between LoC and tGS AFAIK up until Rand balefires it, but I don't think the palace itself is the significance of this reveal.

Potential Impact: Significant. The forces of the light are not prepared for this turn of events come Tarmon Gaidon.

Other Thoughts/Problems: Rand's huge blast of balefire may have worsened the issue? We still don't know for sure whether or not Graendal escaped, not that it really matters if I'm right.


Sammael is speaaking of Randland. Ie, the part of the world where the Dragon Reborn runs around, where all the forsaken who settled down have/had their seats.


I suppose that is probably true, but it really seems that "here" is a poor descriptor for an entire continent. It seems kinda like someone telling the CIA that the terrorists are gonna strike "here", and they just mean the whole of North America. Oh well, it was fun to think about while it lasted.


The sentences right before that statement are what is important for interpreting Sammael's meaning:


Why would she suddenly have snatched pets from so far away?  She seldom went out of her way.  Was she trying to divert him toward the lands beyond the Waste by making him think she had an interest there?


Graendal's new pets are the Sh'boan and Sh'botay from Shara.


"Here" does not refer to Arad Doman specifically, but to Randland proper in relation to Shara.  The main "battlefield" will not be in Shara (according to Sammael), but in the Randland part of the continent.


Yeah, It seems to be, in context, meaning the Westlands, opposed to Senchan, Shara etc.. SG is located just above Sheinar, the Senchan dont really have a blight, and nothing much is known of Shara, but the Trolloc wars (supposedly) didnt affect them as much, along with the Aiel waste, as the westlands.


Everything happens in the Westlands, that all it means. You dont see the majority of the forsaken in random parts of Shara or Senchan (Semirhage comes with the Return). Thats the meaning of the statement, the strike outwards would begin "here" in the westlands


I do not understand why none of the forsaken tried to assume control of a far off place like Shara.  They would have time to build up their strength and not have to worry about a visit from Rand.  If they captured the channelers there they could have used them to Travel their new army when it was time to strike.


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