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Alrighty, after a little talk with the admins, the BT has done away with our odd little Co-DL system that we had going.  Covai has retired from DL-hood (again), and I have taken full control of the BT.


So abandon all hope, tremble and despair, blah blah blah ...


So, in order for myself to remain as lazy as possible, I have taken on a new apprentice ADL who has excessive energy and a lot of ... I hesitate to say good, but interesting ideas on what to do with this place.  So everyone give a nice, warm, BT welcome to Skechid, your new ADL.


*wrinkles nose at the silence* Oh don't ALL of you rush to congratulate me.






Anyway, nevermind that. Let's get things going guys. I've got excessive energies here, and I AM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT. If necessary I will whip all of you into activity. You KNOW I can.


Go to Arath's other post and get some ideas out. We want something epic, memorable and a huge regret for anyone who didn't get to participate in it. You know the kind I'm referring to.


*cracks whip*


Well well,


  Welcome to the ADL position ..... Good luck with it ... Arath's great so you should do well.


Kinda sad the first person to welcome you is the troubled black sheep of the family.  ;D


I'm trying to get back to being more regular. I'll look around and see where I can help out ....




Yes, he does peel grapes rather well. *chews on skinless grapes*


Hello there. Haven't seen you before. Yes, pray, do join us for something exciting. Like challenging the Creator at chess or soemthing. I'm sure we have something like that planned somewhere. *ahem*


So you DL / ADL types ...... Gots a question for ya


Where are we IC wise in the BT for head of state, controller of the BT doomed, The lead with his head still in tact, etc, etc, etc ......


I kind of need to know to come up with idea's ..... and Linten needs to know who he might and might not have to follow or dispose ... errr .... work around. ;)


Well, ever since we did away with Brent, the BT is now lead by the Guardian Council.  7 Storm Leaders and 14 Attack Leaders run everything, kind of like the Aes Sedai's Hall of the Tower.  Only less nagging old women and backstabbing.  At the moment, most of the rest of the Council kind of defer to Arath and Covai, sort of as the first among equals. 


Lets see ... each Storm Leader has his own thing he's in charge of, and has 2 Attack Leaders as assistants.  I'm still in the process of sorting out exactly who does what, but it's not overly important.  I'm also working on basic bios for all of the NPC leaders ... a rather tedious process, but it should help out a lot in the long run.


If there's anything specific you want/need to know, feel free to ask.


Just checking .... so it's still Arath and Covai as the unofficial leaders so to speak ..... So it's really  Arath Linten will have to get to know and decide on.


That's really all I needed .... the rest is a NPC council so that makes it a little easier to work with ....


Plotting time,  then I will see if I can come up with some idea's :)


I THINK I've joined the council or something as well. *wrinkles nose* Arath doesn't like to say these things, but he secretly loves me and wants me to be a Storm Leader of some kind.


I think.


Otherwise I'll just need to spank him into submissions again. *shrugs*


Right ...


Skechid is one of those Storm Leaders we don't like to talk about much.  Makes the rest of us look crazy by association.


Which, considering where we find ourselves, is saying quite a lot.


*sniffs* YOU didn't complain last night when we were having out "Bonding lesson" and I had to replace the honey with strawberry jam!


And I certainly wasn't the one asking for "one last lesson please, oh please, oh pretty please with icing sugar and that wondering strawberry jam paste thing on top, please please please". *wrinkles nose*


Mmm... get to know? Or GET TO KNOW?


Coz, ya know, most of my nights are full. And ya gotta make appointments. And stuff.




Anyhooo... *truddles off to do something with his private ter'angreal*

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