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Phantom discussion


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Okay, SoT haters, this is just a discussion thread for those who have read Phantom. If you hate SoT and haven't read Phantom, start another "I hate Sword of Truth" thread and do your bashing there.


That said, this is just about discussing Phantom, not the whole series, unless it relates to Phantom.


I thought it was a little to preachy and to low on the action that would make the ancient Greeks gag. When there was some action I'm like "yes, Yes, YES!" but it was over to soon.


Favorite action scene though, when Chase returned to the scene.


I did find it intriguing how Richard lost his gift. For some reason I imagined him looking a little differently now. Not the imposing Vaderesque Lord Rahl, but just a guy. This was even when he went on his IO killing spree. And I have to give him props for not brooding over his lost and still deciding to soldier on, without his Sword of Truth or his Gift.


Here is my review.


Man oh man was that a good book!!!! I just finished last night, 6 hours after getting it in the mail. I was so engrossed that I forgot about dinner and getting ready for bed. I have so far heard a surprising number of people complain about the brutal descriptions of the IO. I don't understand this. TG has said many times that we have to recognize the evil that evil is doing, and that is what he was showing us.


I was totally surprised by the significance of the boxes and the BoCs. So know that the boxes have been put into play under richard's name, I can only imagine what is gonna happen in the last book. If he gets his power back along with the War Wizard book, then he will truly be a force to be reckoned with!!!


Loved the Night Wisps. I was so glad when I saw that they were very important from the beginning. If TG thought of that from the start, then he is a GENIUS!!(Not that he isn't already!)


I liked the storyline of Rachel. She is one cool kid, and loved how she had the prescence of mind to take the box of orden with her. P.S. If TG would've killed off chase, I would not have been happy!!!!


Although there were some parts that were a bit confusing so that I had to reread them before going on, I loved the way the book went and kept us all worried. I don't ever recall reading a book when I was literally holding my breath during parts.


I am also wondering about Six. She essentially took Richard's power from him, so does she now have his power or does she just keep it away from him? Well, anyway, I am really looking forward to the big fight that occurs when Shota catches up with her! 6 is gonna become 0, really quickly!


I have run across quite a few comments about who Nicci will fall in love with. In my mind this debate is purely pointless. I don't think she'll fall in love with anyone. She loves richard, and with only one book left, that is hardly enough time for her to fall in love with anyone else. I don't think that she'd make a very good wife for anyone anyways, except for Richard (who of course loves Kahlan). She'll probably find an occupation for herself so that she can always be around Richard and Cara and Kahlan at the end of the book. She'll be another friend of the group, just like Cara is.


I absolutely loved the move richard made in relation to his army. Sending them out to lay waste to the old world was a brilliant idea. (For any intellectuals) did anyone here see the similarity between that move and General Sheman's move to attack the heart of the confederacy in the Civil war? I was wondering when Richard would get around to making this choice.


Still hoping for a return of Scarlet, but as time passes, that is looking more and more unlikely. So is the reappearence of Gratch.


I was stunned to finally figure out the reasoning behind Richard's mother's death. I thought there had to be more to it when I read the books earlier on, and I was right. I just never expected this. Can you imagine how much differently things would have gone, had the wisp given his mom the instructions??? WOW!!!


Has anyone seen the threads that say that perhaps Jagang will impregnate Kahlan, and that will be the monster child Shota fears? THAT would truly be a test for richard and kahlan(if she gets her memory back), should they let it live, or kill it??? Either way, if this happens, it will be a heart-wrenching decision. Because remember in FotF when Kahlan says that she couldn't bear the thought of Nicci having Richard's child, that she couldn't love something she hated and hate something that was part of him. It will have switched around entirely, can richard stand the sight of a son who was Kahlan's and also Jagang's? Frankly, the whole thought is rather disturbing!!!!


MAN OH MAN OH MAN!! The only thing that I know for sure is that I can't wait for the final book to come out!!!

There is nothing that is gonna stop me from getting to the bookstore just as soon as it reaches the shelves!!!

Can you even begin to imagine everything that is gonna happen in that final peice of the puzzle!!!!


Definately a 9.5/10 at least!!! And one of the three best books in the whole series!!!!


The Best part is now Richard is Protected by the Power of Orden.

You remember in the Begnning of WFR when Zedd first gives the Sword of Truth to Richard, And the first thing Richard wants to do is Kill Darken Rahl with it? And Zedd Says no?

Well that was because since Darken Rahl had put the boxes into play, the Majic of Orden protected him untill the end. Zedd said that if he used the magic of the sword to kill Rahl that he would be destroyed before he even got close.

I wonder if that is going to come into play later? especially with 6 having his power and Sammael still out there with his sword...

really good book though.

there were ALOT of plot twists. almost too many to keep up with but a wonderful story all the same.


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