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who wants some oos'quai?


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nothing beats celebrating a move to a new home. having some friends over and sharing some good brew, of course being the ideal way to celebrate. so grab some oos'quai and let's get this thing kicked off in style. 8)


*wastes no time in finding a nice shady spot and works hard on getting a buzz going*

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Ahh, you gotta love the aiel. First thing that happens when we get to a new home is a) find some cool shade and b) find some cool oos'quai. Now setting up tents or getting some fires going, just relaxin and drinking. It's good to be back home!


*Joins Cor and celebrates*

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Guest Allisa

I say we make Cor gaishain and have HIM set up all the tents ;)


A toast! to the Aiel of Dragonmount and the Car'a'carn!

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*suddenly appears by the magic that is the internet*


Did somebody say 'oosquai?' Well, then... *whistles*


*gai'shain come in, each toting several skins of 'Nai 'Squai*



Sovin Nai Second

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*blushes* Thanks Myth.. And it's Talbs.



*Drains a bottle and starts on anouther without fazing*.. Light do i miss this stuff!!!


*Hugs everyone cause she missed everyone*


I Love you guys..!! *hic*


*blush* oops.. drank too fast... =^^=

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*the Clan Chief comes into the shade from the blistering sun and burning sands*


I see you Wise One and warriors.May you always find water and shade.And I see that you have already found shade and something better than water.So Myth - pass some of those skins my way and let a real master at the sacred art of oosquai destruction show you how it's done.


*raises the skin and slowly gobbles it down*


Ahh ... quite refreshing! And I am now recruting warriors to teach them the Sacred Art of Oosquai Destruction

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oh and wise one i thought that was plain sarcasm.. plus i don't use spell check casue umm i never have unless i am at teh house and now i am at the UA's Gorgas Libray

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here ya go Chief! *passes a nearly full skin to the leader guy*




i tink ah'v 'ad 'nuf fur t'day. *nods head emphatically, and promptly falls to the ground for a nap*


i jes need t' rest fur ah min't *hic* why is er'body laugh'n? *hic* :P

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*ggls* It seems that the new one can not handle his drink.. *smiles sweetly* I hope he falls asleep.... *evil look*

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Seems I already have a volunteered.Ok then Ramza - first test.


*brings out a sorda rat*


This is the special oosquai destriction initiation sorda rat.


*points out to a pile of oosquai skin*


And that is the initiation.You need to drink more skins than the rat and then outrun it in a sprint race.So whenever you're ready Ramza - start drinking!


*eyes Talbs after hearing her evil laughter* And just what do you have planned for once he falls asleep young maiden?

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Guest Allisa

oh the things you can accomplish with a drunken warrior ;)


When I was an evil sixteen year old (and ran into my drunken ex boyfriend at a party - he was sooooo drunk he was trying to get us back together) my friends and I actually stripped him, wrote a profane expletive on his chest and dumped him on his front lawn. I returned his clothing the next day ;) but always felt a wee bit bad about it lol

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