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FYI - Corki is on LoA --> OVER!


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Just posting this in public, but you have noticed I have been quite inactive for about a week or more. This is because I am studying like mad for my two forthcoming accountancy exams. As a result, I am postponing all Band related activities I run until I return, which is 10th June 2010.


Jea and Horn are in charge until 10th June.


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Even when I am on LoA, what I say is law!  ;D


First exam went well today, but it drained me completely. It will be an early night tonight so I won't be useless for my last exam tomorrow.

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As that Aussie said (I can't remember his name at the moment) as William Wallace, FREEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!


So, I am officially off LoA and back in charge! I am glad you haven't wrecked the place too much.


I am out all day tomorrow (cricket and then watching the World Cup as it is England's first game), so I will be back into the swing of things on Sunday. Watch this space as I get June's theme ready - and it might be linked to the World Cup.

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