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Trivia Quiz!


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Heya guys, I'm new so I come bearing a trivia quiz!



1)There are two animals known to be sensitive to the One Power. Each is

repelled by one force and attracted to the other. Which two animals are they

and which is attracted/repelled by which forces?

2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.

3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?

4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.

5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.

6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group?

7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.

8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.

9)When a fade feels the One Power being used, how does each force feel to


10) An Accepted of the White Tower attempts to light a candle using a

strand of fire during a class on channeling and is immediately reprimanded. Why?



1. Cats and Dogs. If I remember correctly cats are attracted to female AS and dogs bark at them like crazy. So, I'm assuming it's the opposite for saidin.


2. Bowl of Winds and...um....nope that's all I got.


3. Have no idea.


4. Ok, these are getting tough.


5. Trollocs, Myddral, Gholum,......


6. It contains both male and female channelers.


7. Hearing voices, dizziness, nausea


8. Nothing coming to me on this one


9. Wasn't aware fades felt them differently


10. is there a question here?


1. gholam and humans, obviously gholam repelled and human attracted - those that can use it anyway.


2. Bowl of Winds, the oath rods i guess, and I think one cad's does aswell.


3. Men come into the power significantly later than girls maybe.


4. Mat's medallion, and the horn of Valere if ur counting that as a ter'angreal


5. Trollocs, Myrddraal, Gholam, Worms, darkhounds.


6. 8 women, 7 men.


7. Madness, rotting of the body, hearing voices of past reincarnations (which i'm not counting as part of the madness)


8. Dragonmount, the black tower, rhuidean.


9. Like an itch.


10. erm because AS are lame?


Yay for quizzes!



1)There are two animals known to be sensitive to the One Power. Each is

repelled by one force and attracted to the other. Which two animals are they

and which is attracted/repelled by which forces?


Cats like women channelers, dogs like male channelers.


2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.


Err.. Bowl of Winds is all I have on this one, unless you count the separate access keys?


3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?


All I can think of is there's some sort of "standard" age difference in the AoL when channelers come into their gifts, or maybe it's likely to be they are of the same bloodline?


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.


No idea


5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.


Trollocs, Fades, Ghollum, Worms, and some fifth creature :(


6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group?


The circle must contain both male and female channelers


7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.


I suppose this could be a lot of things.  Delusion, Schizophrenia, Nausea are the first three that come to mind


8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.


The Ways (Male channelers stayed in steddings to keep the taint away, and created ways as a gift to Oghier), The Guardian Ter'Angrael in Far Madding (created to shield the city-state from channeling), and some random mountain that used to be an ocean (mentioned in "The Fires of Heaven" by Asmodean when they come out of the Aiel Waste - yeah, that one may not count).


9)When a fade feels the One Power being used, how does each force feel to



I don't specifically recall this ever being mentioned in a book since we've never had a "standard" Fade's POV.  However, Shadar Haran talks about different kinds of itches or something like that I believe in one of the POVs we get of him?  Or maybe smells?


10) An Accepted of the White Tower attempts to light a candle using a

strand of fire during a class on channeling and is immediately reprimanded. Why?


One of two things.  The first, her teacher didn't give her permission to channel.  The second, I seem to remember a conversation with either Elayne or Egwene (or both) where they talk about lighting a candle takes more than just Fire, and that's very dangerous.  Maybe Fire and Air?  Or something?  Hell if I know anymore.


So some of those are kinda tough.  Do you actually know these answers?  When will you tell us.

2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.
Do we know three?

3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?

His surname was Montague, hers was Capulet.

4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.
Roger and Mike. Do we know any?

5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.

For all those who said Fades, shame on you - they're throwbacks of human stock from Trollocs, not direct creations. Gholam, Zomara, Trollocs, Draghkar, Forgers.

6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group?
That it has fifteen people in. Why do people always miss the obvious answer?

7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.
Trick question, there are only two: insanity and rotting.

8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.

Damona mountains, Ways, Dragonmount.


I have some trivia questions of my own:

1. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

2. How long will it be before you post some daft theory for me to tear to shreds?

3. If you could be any type of cloud, what would you be?

4. How many more of these do I have to come up with?


Of course the answers are know, what kind of person quizes people with questions he doesn't know the answer to. Hrmmm, how bout tomorrow evening I'll reveal the answers to the questions.


1)There are two animals known to be sensitive to the One Power. Each is

repelled by one force and attracted to the other. Which two animals are they

and which is attracted/repelled by which forces?

Cats and Dogs- Cats to saidar, dogs to saidin


2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.

TBotW, the access keys, mats medalion negates both(does this count?), possible FM Gard, I'm going to say a Binder aswell (seeing how both males and females back then had to be bound).


3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?

Three reasons, It is the end of the AoL and men are going mad, On is consideraple older than the other, or they are closely related and didn't know it.


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.

Don't you mean uses neither? the rings in the Aiel Waste, any of the twisted doorways, the glass pillers, list can go on.


5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.

Trolocs, darkhounds, draghkar, gholam, jumara(also called worms), cafar, zomara


6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group? that there are 15 pople in it, that there is at least one man in it.


7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.

There are only two confirmed effects of the tain, that of the body rotting and that of the mind rotting(madness). The hearinfg of voices is a part of the madness. the nausa is spicific only to rand( it could bw RJ's way of desribing Rands body rotting)


8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.

The Ways, Machin Shin, Dragonmount, The dragonwall, The Aiel Waste( the whole new face of the world, lol)


9)When a fade feels the One Power being used, how does each force feel to


As an itch


10) An Accepted of the White Tower attempts to light a candle using a

strand of fire during a class on channeling and is immediately reprimanded. Why?

Becuse it was Nynaeve trying to channel the fire and she blew up the wall instead of lighting the darn candel, btw the candle is still unlit.


1)There are two animals known to be sensitive to the One Power. Each is

repelled by one force and attracted to the other. Which two animals are they

and which is attracted/repelled by which forces?


Cats - Attracted to saidar and repelled by saidin

Dogs - Attracted to saidin and repelled by saidar


2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.


The Bowl of Winds.


3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?


Uh... woah, I don't know this one, unless you mean that they're ten years old.


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.


My guess is that those stones Moridin has to control Cyndane and Moghedien, and.. umm... ?


5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.


Trollocs. Gholam. Darkhounds. Draghkar. And I'm lost...


6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group?


There is at least one man in it.


7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.


Madness. Body-rot. Uh...?


8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.


The Ways. Dragonmount. The geography. :p


9)When a fade feels the One Power being used, how does each force feel to



Oh darn, I don't remember which was which. I know he sort of tasted them.


10) An Accepted of the White Tower attempts to light a candle using a

strand of fire during a class on channeling and is immediately reprimanded. Why?


Accepted aren't allowed to channel for mundane chores, I thought. I remember Moiraine and Siune were concerned over it in New Spring.


1)There are two animals known to be sensitive to the One Power. Each is

repelled by one force and attracted to the other. Which two animals are they

and which is attracted/repelled by which forces?


Cats to females

Dogs to Males


2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.

The two access keys

Bowl of Winds


3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?


The Girls do this prepuberty, or way too young right?


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.


Matt's Medallian, ????


5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.


Trolloc, Fade, Worms, Gollam, darkhound


6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group?

There are men and woman linked


7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.


Hearing voices, decay of the body, channeling without willing yourself to do so


8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.



Dragonmount  ;), Aiel Waste, Steddings


9)When a fade feels the One Power being used, how does each force feel to



Skin itches


10) An Accepted of the White Tower attempts to light a candle using a

strand of fire during a class on channeling and is immediately reprimanded. Why?


Are you thinking about putting out the thread? If so Women arent skilled in the art of fire weaving so they would want to use air to smother it rather than using fire to disperse it.


To address some of the answers given so far:

2)Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.
Access keys don't use both, one uses saidar, one uses saidin. Mat's medallion isn't known to use either, though it detects and negates both. Likewise the Guardian in FM - negates, detects, not known to use. And Cadsuane's. We don't know if a Binder uses both - it could be there were separate ones for men and women.


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.
We don't know how Mat's medallion was made. Do cour'souvra count as ter'angreal? Same question on the Horn of Valere? And if "doesn't use" was meant, it wasn't what was said.


3)During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?


The Girls do this prepuberty, or way too young right?

No, girls can spark post-puberty. See Egwene. At least 16 when she sparked. That's possibly legal, unless someone else knows something about the age of consent in the AoL that I don't. There are too many possible answers to the question as stated to make any answer given by the asker seem satisfactory.


Of course the answers are know, what kind of person quizes people with questions he doesn't know the answer to?
Do you want me to tell you the answer to that one? I hope you have references for your answers, we might need to check that you were right.

I'm pretty sure Question 3 has to do with age.  I'm re-reading New Spring right now, and though I don't have the book in front of, there's a quote that pertains to:


Females generally gain the spark (in the Age of Legends) around 13-15.  Males generally gained around 18-20, but some as late as 30.  I think that has to be it.


For the ter'angrael known to use both, I think we can assume from Sammael's conversations with Graendal and Sevanna that Binding Rods, and maybe even Binding Chairs, use both?


For all those who said Fades, shame on you - they're throwbacks of human stock from Trollocs, not direct creations.

Sigh, here's Mr Ares trying to be clever but just reveals his lack of understanding. You don't have to try to do something to directly do it, ie I take a sledgehammer to the wall of your house becuase I don't like you and I think your not home, unknown to me, you are home and your house is very poorly built, the house falls down killing you. I thus directly killed you even though I wasn't trying to.


I'd also like to point out that it is probably more accurate to say that cats and dogs are reppelled/attracted to channelers rather than to channeling, otherwise we wouldn't see them reacting to channelers at any other time other than when they're channeling.


I'm pretty sure Question 3 has to do with age.  I'm re-reading New Spring right now, and though I don't have the book in front of, there's a quote that pertains to:


Females generally gain the spark (in the Age of Legends) around 13-15.  Males generally gained around 18-20, but some as late as 30.  I think that has to be it.


For the ter'angrael known to use both, I think we can assume from Sammael's conversations with Graendal and Sevanna that Binding Rods, and maybe even Binding Chairs, use both?


I'm pretty sure channelers in the AoL were found consistently at the age of ten. That would be the issue.

For the ter'angrael known to use both, I think we can assume from Sammael's conversations with Graendal and Sevanna that Binding Rods, and maybe even Binding Chairs, use both?
If we have to assume, it isn't known.


For all those who said Fades, shame on you - they're throwbacks of human stock from Trollocs, not direct creations.

Sigh, here's Mr Ares trying to be clever but just reveals his lack of understanding. You don't have to try to do something to directly do it, ie I take a sledgehammer to the wall of your house becuase I don't like you and I think your not home, unknown to me, you are home and your house is very poorly built, the house falls down killing you. I thus directly killed you even though I wasn't trying to.
And if I create a Trolloc, and that Trolloc breeds and creates a Myrddraal, I didn't directly create the Fade. I created the Trolloc that created the Fade. See, I don't have to try to be clever. It just comes naturally.


I'm pretty sure channelers in the AoL were found consistently at the age of ten. That would be the issue.
During the War of the power, they did search for channelers as young as ten, however that wasn't the question - they come into their power at "the normal time", and ten is earlier than normal. The spark normally comes within a range of ages, not all of which would be too young by our standards - and we don't know how young their standards would be.

1) There are two animals known to be sensitive to the One Power. Each is

repelled by one force and attracted to the other. Which two animals are they

and which is attracted/repelled by which forces?

Answer: Canines and Felines are known to be sensitive to the One Power. We

know from the wolves that they can be felt and that the wolves (and most

likely other dogs) can actually sense channeling, not simply the ability to

channel. Canines appear to be drawn to male channelers and repelled by

female channelers and felines are the opposite.


Common misanswers and explanations:

Humans and (Shadowspawn): This is not correct because humans cannot be

said to be especially sensitive to the One Power as a species. Channelers

are, but the vast majority of humans are insensitive to the forces.

Shadowspawn breeds are sometimes sensitive to the various forces, but none

of them can be said to be attracted to any particular force, even the True



2) Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.

Answer: Bowl of the Winds, Call Box, Sad Bracelet


Common misanswers:

Cour'souvra: The mindtrap isn't known to specifically use any force except

possibly the True Power.


3) During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?

Answer: Based on the information given the only logical deduction the

books support is their age range. If both spark at the 'usual' time, most

likely she is a pre-teen or mid-teen while he is at best, a man out of his

youth and at worst, about to enter his thirties.


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.

Answer: Portal Stones and Horn of Valere. While the original definition of

a Ter'angreal used in the series limits it to 'Age of Legends' objects

serving a specific function, this can be refuted by the fact that Elayne's

creations, despite being created in the Third Age, are still considered

Ter'angreal. Because both of these items predate the second age, and the One

Power was not known before the Second Age...


Common misanswers:

Foxhead Medallion: Based on what we know of Gholam which appear to be made

of the same material with the same property, the Foxhead Medallion is most

likely also a creation of the One Power (since Aginor did create the

Gholam). Either way, it cannot be said to be 'known', only guessed.

5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.

Answer: Draghkar, Gholam, Cafar, Zomara, Jumara


Common misanswers:

Fades: Fades are a natural quirk of trollocs which their creator, Aginor,

didn't even completely understand, much less create.

Trollocs: Based on what we know of their initial creation, Aginor used

crossbreeding of humans and animals to create them and simply facilitated

the process with the Power.

Darkhounds: Looking at the information gathered during the series, it is

possible the Darkhounds were created by the One Power, but we have no reason

to make this assumption beyond an educated guess.

Forgers: This is completely inaccurate -- We have not even a mention of

them being tied in any way to the One Power and we know they are not alive,

so cannot be creatures.


6)If fifteen people are in a link, what do you know about the group?

Answer: The group must contain one man and eight women. One man is

required to pass 13 linked channelers, and beyond two linked the group must

always contain at least one more woman than man, so there must be at least

eight women.


Common misanswers:

Seven men: The remaining six members are flexible.

Stronger/More Effective: It is not safe to assume that the group is

stronger or more effective for anything since personal strengths do come

into account and circles with lower numbers and different arrangements were

known in the Age of Legends to be more effective for some purposes.


7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.

Answer: Increased Instability of Saidin, Mental Decay and Physical Decay


8)Name three things known to exist in the current day setting as a result

of saidin being used by tainted male channelers.

Answer: (There are plenty of acceptable answers) Dragonmount, The Ways,

The Red Ajah, Domination Bands,


9)When a fade feels the One Power being used, how does each force feel to


Answer: This is the first real trick question -- Fades in general are

quoted as feeling an itch from both, only Shaidar Haran specific sensitivity

to either via smell.


10) An Accepted of the White Tower attempts to light a candle using a

strand of fire during a class on channeling and is immediately reprimanded.


Answer: The accepted is attempting one of the cardinal no-nos of saidar

weaving: using flows of fire without anything to stabilize it. This is

mentioned multiple times in the series as being dangerously and erratic and

as a result other flows are always used; most commonly used are air when

gathering or dissipating heat and spirit when it seems that intent is

involved (such as making fire act in a way that is not natural)


Common Misanswers:

Pulling Fire: While it is true that pulling fire as a way to dissipate a

weave is dangerous, she is making a weave rather than destroying one this


Proper Protocol: Since this is during a class on the subject with an Aes Sedai, there is no direct breach of protocol.


11)Users of Saidin and Saidar are once compared to animals with how

different they are. What animals are they compared to?

Answer: A Bird Cannot Teach a Fish to Fly

2) Name three ter'angreal known to use both saidin and saidar.

Answer: Bowl of the Winds, Call Box, Sad Bracelet

Do you have references stating that the ter'angreal themselves use the Power in the cases of Call Boxes and Sad Bracelets? I did say I would ask for references.


3) During the Age of Legends, a male channeler and a female channeler each

come into their gifts at the usual time. The meet and fall in love and begin

getting intimate shortly after. Their families are horrified. Why?

Answer: Based on the information given the only logical deduction the

books support is their age range. If both spark at the 'usual' time, most

likely she is a pre-teen or mid-teen while he is at best, a man out of his

youth and at worst, about to enter his thirties.

Except that is not a logical deduction, because you have given no reason to assume that, for example, a 16 year old girl and a 20 year old man are going to cause their families to be horrified. Your answer is incorrect. Or at least, there is no single "correct" answer, thus it is a poor question.


4)Name two ter'angreal known to be created with neither saidin nor saidar.

Answer: Portal Stones and Horn of Valere. While the original definition of

a Ter'angreal used in the series limits it to 'Age of Legends' objects

serving a specific function, this can be refuted by the fact that Elayne's

creations, despite being created in the Third Age, are still considered

Ter'angreal. Because both of these items predate the second age, and the One

Power was not known before the Second Age...

Are either known to be ter'angreal? Also, time is a Wheel. They could have been created by channelers with the Power in a previous turning, prior to the loss and subsequent rediscovery of channeling. As it is not known how eithe rthe Portal Stones or the Horn were created, your answer is incorrect, as we do not know they were created without the use of the Power, or that they are ter'angreal.


5)Name five creatures of the shadow known to have been directly created by

use of the One Power.

Answer: Draghkar, Gholam, Cafar, Zomara, Jumara


Common misanswers:

Trollocs: Based on what we know of their initial creation, Aginor used

crossbreeding of humans and animals to create them and simply facilitated

the process with the Power.

So they were created with the Power? Your answer is, again, incorrect. Do you have evidence indicating that all of the abve mentioned Shadowspawn were created with the Power, in a way dissimilar to Trollocs? That is, confirmation that it was not simply a process "facilitated" with the Power? If not, then it is not known.

Forgers: This is completely inaccurate -- We have not even a mention of

them being tied in any way to the One Power

Do you have explicit mentions for all the above mentioned Shadowspawn? If not, then Forger is just as valid an answer (and you yourself are wrong, again).
and we know they are not alive, so cannot be creatures.
Creature, n. created thing; animate being. From ther concise Oxford English dictionary. If you are going to rule out an answer based on a definition, make sure you get the definition right.


7)Name three known side-affects of the taint on Saidin.

Answer: Increased Instability of Saidin, Mental Decay and Physical Decay

Leaving aside that those are side-effects, not affects (and thus your question is non-sense), do you have evidence for saidin being more unstable due to the taint?

And if I create a Trolloc, and that Trolloc breeds and creates a Myrddraal, I didn't directly create the Fade. I created the Trolloc that created the Fade. See, I don't have to try to be clever. It just comes naturally.


You create both sexs of trollocs, give them ability to breed, force them to breed. All of these things are directly within the control of said creater, thus fades can be said be direct creations of the creater, sure he didn't mean to create them but they came out as a direct byproduct of his work. Besides, the term create suggests there is something that has been created, with trollocs he just used the power to help a proccess along, they don't gain any properties in particular that didn't exist before. Fade on the other hand have abilities that nothing else has.


On a note about the first question, the question asked what two animals..... the term animals in this context could mean either singular animals or an enitre species (although the emphisis is on the species). The question should then be changed to what two species.......  to remove any ambiguity.



Fail quiz was fail :(


Sorry Tekair, good try at introducing yourself, but a chunk of those "answers" are just made-up, or at least as assumed as the other answers.


Ares, I know you're kind of "the guy around here who likes to be the devil's advocate," but here's a direct quote from New Spring, pages 49-50.

Girls sometimes, if rarely, began channeling as young as twelve or thirteen, if they were born with the spark, but even with the spark boys never did before eighteen or nineteen, unless they tried to learn how, and in some men the spark did not come out until they were as old as thirty.


Now obviously, the quote says it is rare for girls to begin that young, but using the facts presented that "12/13 is an early age for girls, 18/19 is an early age for dudes," we can also assume that average ages probably lay more in the 14-16 for girls, 20-24 for guys."  Of course it's an assumption, but it's also a deduction, based on the only age-specific facts we've ever really been given.  Plus, the Big-Ass-White-Book mentions that channelers gained the spark earlier back during the Age of Legends.  So with all that, and based on the question (which mentioned specifically "the usual age," that channelers get the spark), we can make logical assumptions that males were generally much older than females when beginning to channel, and thus, the inappropriateness (and sometimes horror) shows up.  Sure, if the averages actually are 24 for males and 16 for girls, then that's probably accepted by most medieval-type standards.  But if the usual age actually is more like 20 for males and 14 for girls, just those few years makes a big difference in what most people would consider "acceptable."


And if I create a Trolloc, and that Trolloc breeds and creates a Myrddraal, I didn't directly create the Fade. I created the Trolloc that created the Fade. See, I don't have to try to be clever. It just comes naturally.

You create both sexs of trollocs, give them ability to breed, force them to breed.
Which is not creating them with the Power. Directly created with the Power was the question, Fades don't fit that.


Ares, I know you're kind of "the guy around here who likes to be the devil's advocate,"
That's not true at all, the Devil couldn't afford me.
but here's a direct quote from New Spring, pages 49-50.

Girls sometimes, if rarely, began channeling as young as twelve or thirteen, if they were born with the spark, but even with the spark boys never did before eighteen or nineteen, unless they tried to learn how, and in some men the spark did not come out until they were as old as thirty.


Now obviously, the quote says it is rare for girls to begin that young, but using the facts presented that "12/13 is an early age for girls, 18/19 is an early age for dudes," we can also assume that average ages probably lay more in the 14-16 for girls, 20-24 for guys."  Of course it's an assumption, but it's also a deduction, based on the only age-specific facts we've ever really been given.  Plus, the Big-Ass-White-Book mentions that channelers gained the spark earlier back during the Age of Legends.  So with all that, and based on the question (which mentioned specifically "the usual age," that channelers get the spark), we can make logical assumptions that males were generally much older than females when beginning to channel, and thus, the inappropriateness (and sometimes horror) shows up.  Sure, if the averages actually are 24 for males and 16 for girls, then that's probably accepted by most medieval-type standards.  But if the usual age actually is more like 20 for males and 14 for girls, just those few years makes a big difference in what most people would consider "acceptable."

What most people today, in western countries, would consider acceptable. You have to make assumptions about the sexual mores of the AoL. 24/16 wouldn't necessarily meet with horror in this day and age. While 15 is below the age of consent (at least in the UK) people can be willing to turn a blind eye. Now, as a test of lateral thinking, this question is fine - we could come up with all sorts of creative answers, and the age difference is one. Some others could be that the "intimacy" happens without the consent of one party, that the families share a mutual dislike, that the parents are horrified because they walked in during the act itself (remember kids, always lock the door). However, there is no single "correct" answer, so as a test of our knowledge of WoT trivia, this question fails. Furthermore, the question never says they were sparkers - the usual age for learners could theoretically be any time, so two consenting adults could be considered to have come into their gifts at the usual time if they learnt at an age considered fairly normal.


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