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Picking on a new fella (Attn: Aslan)

Covai Seriba

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Covai sat on the top of the stack of firewood leaning against the wall of the inn, munching on a roll stuffed with beef and cheese as he looked up at the clear blue sky. Storm Leader of the Black Tower he may be, but he certainly didnt look it at that moment. Taking a sip from the wineskin at his hip, Covai washed the food down as someone came through the back of the inn.


Shielding his eyes from the sun, Covai took a look to see who it was. Covai couldnt place the man's name but had seen him around over the last few weeks. Whistling, Covai got the fellow's attention and waved him over. Rolling his eyes as the soldier saluted, Covai shook his head and motioned the man to relax. "Take it easy, I'm not hear to tear you to sheads or anything. Here.... catch." Covai took the winskin and tosssed it to the man. "Have a drink and sit down."


"You're new to the farm right?" Covai asked. The man nodded. "Thought so. You'll have to forgive my slip, we're supposed to be calling ourselves the BLACK TOWER now. But as you can see..." Covai craned his head upwards "There isnt exactly much of a tower yet. So far its a title only, but its apt for what will eventually be. Plus it sounds more impressive too."


"So tell me, what do you think of the place so far? No need to try and tell me what you think I want to here. I place much more value on a man's honesty than his flattery." A name suddenly floated across Covai's thoughts. "The name was Aslan, wasn't it?"

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Aslan spared as best he could against the other, but his teacher knew more than he himself had learned before leaving home, and he was tired. Sudedenly he triped and stumbled forward, he saw the lathe coming on colision course with his face and sudenly the world went black.


Jakar shook his head as he felt someone shaking in him, telling him the lesson was over. What lesson he couldnt remember anything, but it was so hot and his head hurt, he wanted some shadow and a glass of brandy but he guessed wine would do too.


Walking from the training ground without looking back he turned a corner with the sun in his back strolling towards the inn. The man someone of some rank by his estimate of the clothing raised a hand, not feeling in the mood for questions Jakar raised his hand in salute in hope it would satisfy the other to let him pass undisturbed.


"Take it easy, I'm not hear to tear you to sheads or anything. Here.... catch." Jakars hand streached out and closed around the skin, it was bether than nothing, he seated himself down in the shadow of the stack of the firewood and had a deep sip of the skin. It probably wouldnt do to try and get in now, besides it was actualy quite comfortable in the shadow migth just be the inn would be crowded now in the lunch times which would mean it migth just be hotter inside.


"You're new to the farm right?" Jakar nodded, though he wasnt actualy sure when he came here, it in once sence was like weeks had passed yet he could remember scarsly a couple handfulls of days. "Thought so. You'll have to forgive my slip, we're supposed to be calling ourselves the BLACK TOWER now. But as you can see..." Jakar looked towards the construction that was suposed to become a tower, "There isnt exactly much of a tower yet. So far its a title only, but its apt for what will eventually be. Plus it sounds more impressive too."

"So tell me, what do you think of the place so far? No need to try and tell me what you think I want to here. I place much more value on a man's honesty than his flattery." Jakar didnt thougth to think on what he actualy thougth of the place, it was okey enough and he was about to express so when the other spoke again. "The name was Aslan, wasn't it?"


Jakars head turned he had heard the name before and muttered "no it seems i have some twin or something here peoples keep mistacing me for.." he sipped the wine again, and by what litle he had learned he was sure the other was a woolheaded farmer or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Oh?" Jakar lifted the skin up against the other man again with a thankfull nodd, leaning back he rested his head against the wall. Rubing his head sligthly he wondered why he had the feeling days had passed that he couldnt grasp the actions in.

"So like I asked, what do you think of your training so far? Have you managed to do anything with Saidin yet?"


Jakar nodded, some though it would have been easier if they would explain the basics first and he didnt feel like he had black holes in his memories. "Its going okey though you have to figure out alot on your own. It will do though" he felt somewhat dizzy like when he had the black outs coming, he tried to figth it off, closing his eyes it felt like the world was spining, the darkness was pressing strugeling to overtake him, then he shook his head and it was gone.


Jakar shruged, he probably should see someone about it, maybe it was some bi effect of something he had caugth that could be cured. "Do you know who got the herb knowledge around here?" he looked up at the man, he where some type of leader surely he would know.

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