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I know he's too shy to blow his own horn, so allow me this opportunity to bring in a squad o'Hornblowers to do it for him.


Yer man Quibby is participatin' in an epic struggle of questionable taste over at Myndjack Radio. Aye me hearty's he's gonna sing in the Myndjack Idol competition. YOUR support will go a long way to swayin' the scrubs passin' themselves off as judges over there.


The lad will hurlin' hisself into the fray agin' some tall odds toooo. So find yer way to All Digital Radio and vote in the poll you'll be findin' there.


BETTER YET ya' keelhaulin' lubbers.. Listen in! It don't hurt ... much



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Save Your DL!


After another week of MyndJack Idol, the polls are open.  Now, you don't have to listen.  In fact, I'd prefer if you didn't.  Suffice it to say that it was high and painful.  Anyway, go and vote for me.  Please?


-Your Loathly Lord and Master

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