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DM Radio Today!


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Hey, folks.  Just wanted to let you know that I will be appearing on a webcast today at  1pm EDST.  If you're interested, the links are provided below.  Warning: this show is probably NSFW.



Live show: every Saturday at 1pm EDST  (Replay show on air: every Sunday at 1pm EDST): http://alldigitalradio.com/index.php

Click on the 'Click here to listen live. ON AIR NOW' blueish icon on the left side of the site.


Podcast of previous shows: http://alldigitalradio.com/?q=station/archives/1327


EDIT: There will be a chatroom associated with this webcast: http://www.myndjack.com/radioblog/?page_id=73

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The show will be on again today at the same time as a replay and for those that are curious what this is all about, you can find out more information: here


I have to say..... it took me a while to pick my jaw off the ground when Quibby was done with his little surprise ;)

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Much of what was said was said in jest.  I will not detail which things were and were not.  Please do not try to kill me.  Not without warning me a day in advance, at least.  That way, any attempted assassins can be treated to a gumbo and a drink before the messy business starts.

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exactly! though it must be said that certain Reds are big bad slackers! *sporks the SupahBratTay*


Quibby, no one in their right mind would come between a Red and her prey. Let alone a whole bunch o' them. So you're safe. from anyone but us, that is.


*looks at her Sisters* I thought these Bander folk were like brave and stuff.....

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Point the First: (Not intentionally, anyway...)


Point Number B: Gut reaction.  Generally, the idea of a group of women coming after me- while appealing- doesn't end well, even in my fantasies.

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Hmmm... maybe a duel of some sort?  Numbers is out, as you've got us beat by a lot.  A written battle is out, as my writers will win by sheer war of attrition.  :P


I've got it!  Band (of the Red Hand) Hero!

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