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Age of the Arcane


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Im bored, lets make a story. And be a little bit serious Locke. I mean it. I will kill you.



"Where am I", thought the young man as he awoke. He had no idea how he had gotten into this rather large, rather empty chamber. "I suppose I better find out" he said aloud as he started to explore the room.


He tried to recall what he was doing before he woke up. Be he didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place! His head hurt as he tried to think about how he got here, but he couldn't remember anything. He felt a quick stab of panic. He didn't even know who he was!


Im bored, lets make a story. And be a little bit serious Locke. I mean it. I will kill you.


Heh, when I tried to this awhile back, you were the one who didn't do it right.


He couldn't remember anything!  It was as if he had only just started existing, except at whatever age he was and at whatever place he was at.  A quick survey of the room revealed just a plain stone room with no windows at one door.


With no small amount of trepidation, he walked slowly towards the door. With each step his heart beat a little harder in his chest, and climaxed with a crescendo as he bent down and peered through the small key-hole in the door.


Just as his eye reached the level of the keyhole, he heard a rush of air followed immediately by sharp pain on top of his head.  A key clattered to the floor next to his foot.  Now he was truly bewildered.  Where in the world had the key come from?


"Good lord, this is some creepy stuff" our character said to himself as he picked up the key. "Well, no use staying here any longer." As our hero put the key in the slot and slowly opened the door, a wave of nerves rolled over him.


The wave of nerves was nothing compared to the chill air that crashed into him as he slipped silently into what seemed to be a long, gloomy corridor. So cold it almost seemed to whisper across his face... but wait! No, that definitely was not cold brushing his face, but something definitely tangible... something fine, and a tad sticky.


As his eyes adjusted to  the moonlight seeping into the corridor through the high, arched windows, he saw that the entire corridor was strewn with cobwebs. Thousands of them! And lying on the floor in varios stages of decay and a variety of positions, the bodies of countless unfortunates.


After changing his soiled underwear, our intrepid wanderer once again braved the dark cob-webby corridor of death, hoping that whatever had caused this unholy mess was eating out tonight.


Perhaps if he abbreviated his name... but no. That just sounded... wrong.


What cursed fates ever allowed some lunatic to name him thus?? A name with a strikingly disproportionate number of consonants to vowels, an unseemly accident in his unmentionables, and waking with no memory in a strange room connected to a long corridor full of what could only be described as the gluttonous lair of one or more monstrously horrid arachnids!


There was nothing for it but to move on. With ruthless determination, he began forward, swatting frantically at the fine cables that tried their best to impede him. As he progressed, he thought he could make out something in the distance. Something... shadowy.


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