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This was on last night, and I watched it today on HULU and I really enjoyed it.  Started out thinking that it was just going to be a Modern Family knock off, but it really impressed me with it's comedy/drama balance.  This is gonna be a really good show I'd recommend it.

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i think the time and network is  Fox tuesdays @ 10/9c right after American Idol.



i liked the pilot episode, its got alot of good actors in it, i think the brown haird sister is the mom from Gilmour Girls, right??


i like the plot line, and i think the show has lots of potential,  i'm looking forward to next weeks episode :)


thanks for posting the thread Soy

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I just finished watching it.  I like it as well.  Lots of storylines to follow that sometimes come together with the family.  Yes, Lauren Graham is the mom from Gilmore girls.  I liked her in that show as well.

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She was the primary reason I watched the show and I actually really enjoyed it as well.  Now, I'm not known for being particularly picky when it comes to non-law/medical/cop shows on tv, but it wasn't overly soap opera for me and had a decent amount of humor.  I'll watch it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right there with you mini... I have to catch pretty much all my shows online because I'm usually working right through Primetime


On the topic of Parenthood... Another good episode, I think I'm gonna try to fit this one in somewhere as one of my regulars.

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  • 3 weeks later...

okay so the new epi was great :)  i love the gramps!!!  he just awesome


"you seem like a nice kid and all, but heres 20 bucks.  I want you to fill up your car and get out of here" *looks with a pained smile "and i'm asking you nicely."


i totaly cracked up on that part!!!

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