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Why does he pick his nose?


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I want some advice!  How can I get my 3 year old to stop picking his nose? I mean it's not just when there is something in there...this kid has his whole knuckle in his nostril!  What can I do?  I'm tired of washing 5 loads of clothes a day just cause he touches them!  ;)


One thing. I wouldn't worry about washing clothes (unless he is making a mess of them!!).  Some kids seen to do it more than others.


Give him an incentive not to do it. That way he may becaome a little more conscious of what he is doing. Make it easy for him to attain what you say. So maybe to go an hour without doing it and he can have a treat or watch TV, or do something. As you go for longer periods of time then make it better. Praise him well when he hasn't done it.


But he is only three, don't make the task too hard for him otherwise he will give up, because it is too hard.


Thats my suggestions, I'm some others will come up with more :)


lol..I like the toenail bit... ;D


Of course having abaseball handy everytime you see him doing it can have it's advantages, but I'm sure it's not allowed :D


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