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Basic Information

Handle : maryam

Character Count : (For this Division) 1

Contact : maldevwin@yahoo.com


Character Information

Name: Maryam Aldevwin

Age: 15

Nationality: Murandian



Hair: Long, brown, tied back with a leather cord.

Eyes: Brown

Skin: About the color of strong tea with generous cream.

Height: 5'3

Voice: Clear, lower than average, singing voice is dazzling. Slight Lugarder accent.




Special Skills: Sings like she was trained to it. Already knows how to read and write, and some of the arts of a lady's maid.

Knowledge Weakness: Doesn't really know much about the out-of-doors. Can ride a horse, but has no idea what to do with it after... or before.

Physical Weakness: -

Personality weakness: -



A quiet, gentle girl, Maryam seems eager to please, if a bit morose at times.


Seram fell desperately in love with the beautiful Magrath Aldevwin. Though he pleaded and wept, Magrath would not join him with the Tuatha'an. It was with heavy heart that they finally parted ways, though he swore under the light that he would return to his beloved, that their caravan would return. Magrath's grandmother, Ceilidh Aldevwin, watched as the two of them embraced one last time, and knew that there would be problems. She was right. Ceilidh usually was.

Eight months after Seram left, Magrath gave birth to a baby girl, who she named Maryam. She loved the child fiercely, but her gaze strayed west, waiting for her beloved. She waited, and waited, and the trials and shame of an unwed girl bringing up a babe with no father and no prospects grew on the young girl. Finally, Ceilidh rose one day to care for the infant Maryam only to find the note in Magrath's bold hand, "I am off, dear grandmother. I go now to the White Tower, for you said I have the spark, and so I shall go, and when I am Aes Sedai, I shall return for my Maryam and I shall find my Seram. I am sorry, and I love you." The fool girl had taken several days worth of bread and cheese, and half of the meager savings her grandmother had scrounged. And Ceilidh, broken-hearted, cared for wee Maryam.

When the girl was walking, and chattering in mostly understandable language, the familiar sound of tinker's wagons arrived in the wood five miles from Kirgard. It was an eager Seram who rushed into town and into the house of his beloved. When Ceilidh explained Magrath's folly, Seram turned, left the house, and went to his father's wagon, setting aside his birthright and his search for the Song. Seram would stay in Kirgard and raise his child. When Kylin protested that his son would betray everything they held to, Seram asserted that he had caused this violence upon this family, and he would stay to make it right. He would adhere to the Way of the Leaf, but he could not travel anymore. He would stay, that when Magrath returned as Aes Sedai, she could reunite with the people she loved most. In grief and fierce pride, Kylin and Seram embraced, and with an admonition to listen for the Song, the old man bid his son farewell.

For seven more years, Ceilidh and Seram raised the serious little girl, when the mayor of Kirgard visited the small home. He brought with him a message from the White Tower, sealed with the tear of Tar Valon, and addressed to Ceilidh Aldevwin. Ceilidh opened the letter and read the story of how Magrath had been enrolled in the novice books and worked hard to gain the ring. Unfortunately, the letter went on, the Creator's ways are mystery made real, and Magrath had died. Ceilidh thanked the mayor and hid the letter, unwilling to talk about it. The mayor surprised the family with a small pouch filled with silver, that had been sent with the letter, in the hopes that this would help ease the family's struggle in times to come. When night came, and Maryam was tucked away in bed, Ceilidh told Seram about the letter and its contents, and revealed her own secret: She had been to the tower herself, years ago, and had risen as far as Accepted, but never higher,

and eventually was put out of the Tower. It was two weeks later that Ceilidh and Seram arranged for young Maryam to be apprenticed to the Mayor's household, to learn to be a lady's maid and eventually improve her lot.

Five years, and Maryam returned, a young woman of fourteen, quiet and respectful, gentle and hard-working, sent to vacation with her family again. Ceilidh and Seram rejoiced to see the girl again, and celebrated, but that night, Ceilidh took Maryam out to the woods and interrogated her. How was life? How was the work? Had the mayor's sons kept their hands to themselves? How did she feel? Had she eaten well? Finally, Ceilidh insisted Maryam sit on a rock while her gran inspected her, and Ceilidh wove saidar, testing, delving, divining, until she discovered that Maryam could learn to channel. That night, in the woods, Ceilidh told this precious child about her mother, and about the letter, and told her that Maryam must go to the Tower to learn what had truly happened to her mother. The Aes Sedai could not lie, and any woman had the right to petition the White Tower, even to the Amyrlin Seat if necessary. Ceilidh wrote a letter, sealed it, and placed it in

the hands of the girl to give to an Aes Sedai as she began to leave. Seram and Maryam walked down the path, waving goodbye to Ceilidh, and Seram told Maryam of her mother, of his love for her, and of his own past. He walked with her for several days until they reached the camp of a group of Tuatha'an. Seram approached, and spoke to his brother, for Kylin had died three years ago. Ramos gladly agreed to care for Maryam until their caravan neared Tar Valon, and Seram bid farewell a second time to his kin, for he had grown accustomed to his life as a farmer in Kirgard.

Maryam travelled with the Tuatha'an, camping where they camped, eating where they ate. The travelling people wanted to convert Maryam, seeing in her a lost daughter now found, but Maryam's heart was heavy with the news her gran and her father had given her, and when finally, the following year, the caravan camped within ten miles of the Erinin, Maryam bid farewell to her guardians and went the rest of the way to the Tower on her own


I like it, but I think it might need a FL CC due to the heavy Tinker involvement.


Sorry guys, I overlooked this one when I checked in for bio's to check.


Love the story, consider this CC'd

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