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Guest Dalinar

Name: Elessar Starfall


Age: 18


Nationality: Cairhien (Mixed heritage Andoran/Cairhienin)


Hair color: Raven-black


Eye Color:Bright, piercing blue.




Weight: ? (Don't know what a somewhat musclar person of this height would weigh. 175 maybe?)




Physical Description: Elessar is a rather well built individual, being muscular, but not overly so. It was more of an agile musculature. His strength as about average, but he was more based on being quick and making the right motions, smoothly and gracefully. His eyes were a bright, alert azure, taking in his surroundings with a seemingly passive attitude. His hair reached about down to his shoulders, a dark, midnight black, like that of raven feathers. He had a generous, pleasant smile, though he did not give it often, as he was often too worried or preoccupied to be truly happy.




Personality: While often being quiet and reserved around those he did not know, Elessar was quite friendly to those he grew comfortable around, and was kind all around. He also makes a point to be kind to everyone he sees that has not wronged another... He’s loyal, but very vindictive if horribly wronged. He also tended to attach quickly to women he got along with, which often times got him horribly hurt. He often carried an aura of quiet strength, which was calm as well.




History: Born in Maerone, to a somewhat wealthy family, Elessar did not want for much. However, the thing he did not have, he wanted more than anything his money could buy. Though not nobility, nor incredibly wealthy, he lived well off, but alone. He was alone in the sense of a lack of companionship, as he had family, but no friends. He often was found off playing by himself, and doing other things alone. He sometimes found a few friends, but he never could keep one. He grew very lonely and introverted, though he could be friendly with those few friends he had. He also learned certain things on an accelerated curve naturally, like fighting. He was well able to move in, hit hard, and back off before being struck. If he was struck, sometimes he could shrug off more minor blows, due to his quick occuring adrenaline rushes. He’d feel it later, of course...




He lived this way for several years, in fact, until he was sixteen. At that point, strange coincidences began occuring when he was depressed or angry. Things tended to burn more quickly than they should, or the wind grew restless. Few made a major note of this, excluding Elessar himself, and his parents. His parents loved him to death, but could not allow him to stay. And so, Elessar was packing his things preparing to leave, but then...




(This picks up with an RP of the Ashies coming to whisk me away to the Farm.)




Cheers! Dali.

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