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Random Acts of Kindness [Day]


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Well, we never celebrate things for just one day, especially when they're things that should be celebrated for MUCH longer than that. We're going to celebrate this one all month long!


So, the way we celebrate this is to celebrate YOU, the people who do little things every day to make others around you smile. I am asking you to toot your own horn this month and tell us all about how wonderful you are to your fellow man. It doesn't have to be a big thing to make a difference in someone's life, but we want to celebrate the fact that you did them, just the same.


So, what random act of kindness did you do today?

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Well, the day just started and I have not been mean to anyone. Does that count?  ;D




This is really good because not only do you get to toot your own horn but it kinda makes you look for an opportunity to be kind to others.



I will try very hard to be nice to my sister today, no matter how much she aggravates me.

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I managed to do laundry, go to physio therapy where I worked out and had manual physio, walked a lot today and even made dinner when we got home. I feel tired, but happy. This is triple of what I normally manage in one day, so triple joy. Even while being so tired this evening, I kept a smile and got our kid to bed while both he and I were smiling.

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*smiles* That's awesome, ya'll! :D



I made sure a girl who was having trouble reading (don't get me started) got some one-on-one time during Science with a Reading teacher today. She needs some time working on her own reading level, which is VERY far below the level she should be on. It becomes a frustration issue with her and her behavior goes downhill really fast when she gets frustrated. I like to think she noticed and appreciated the time and people focusing their attention on her, too. While I realize that's part of my job, technically, I'm the Science teacher. So, really, the one-on-one time should come during someone else's time, rather than mine. *shrugs and smiles*

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She cannot do science without being able to read, though.


Good job, Lor!



I did not run over the person that decided to step out in front of my car in the parking lot. Does that count?



I did give a woman some change so that she could pay for her milk. She did not have enough.

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I do like this idea; every Sunday at my church the little kids get an opportunity to tell us about an act of service or kindness they did during the week, and one thing I've noticed about that is that not only does it make me more aware of the nice things we do every day without thinking, but it also is encouragement for me to take opportunities when they arise instead of letting them pass.


Today, there was a potluck at our church after services were over... One little 3-year-old girl hadn't found her parents yet after sunday school, so she latched onto me and I walked around with her and kept her entertained until we found them. :D


I also held open the door for my mom while she carried the soup she made for the potluck to the car--which was a truly random act of kindness, since I wasn't originally holding the door open, I'd just happened to pause in the doorway, holding the door open, as my mom was coming in from outside to grab the soup. :D  But I waited for her to get everything she needed before I went and got in the car. :D


And good job everyone!  Every little nice thing we do helps us grow a little as people. :D

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I grumble and complain about it, but I was dead set on going to bed before midnight last night, or 12:30 at the latest, but on my way to the bathroom for a quick shower, I remembered with a sinking feeling that my brother and I were supposed to get the dishes washed.


My brother was asleep by then, so of course I had to stay up late washing all the dishes, and didn't end up getting to bed till 1:30.


I did it so I wouldn't get crap for them not getting done, but also just because my mom is right, she can't do everything herself and it doesn't hurt to help out.

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Sadly, I only just came into this knowledge recently, VERY recently, and still have difficulties incorporating it into my life....


Hopefully she will be able to grasp that concept a HECKUVA lot sooner than I did, because that will make all of your lives so much easier. :D


(oh, and good job not killing people, I definitely know the temptation! :D)

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I gave blood. How about that?


By the way....I REALLY hate needles and shots. They messes up and had to stick my left arm after filling up a whole bag from my right arm. Needless to say...they could not find the vein, they could not draw blood...it took forever, and I almost freaked out. One nurse lady said I looked pale, and asked if I was alright...oh, how I wanted to say something.

My next appointment is sometime around April 16th. I will still donate.


My deed for the month. ;D

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So far I've only given blood once, because I wasn't old enough until my senior year in high school, and I haven't had any opportunities to do it since then.


That time I had mono, but didn't know it, and even though my blood sugar was fine and all that, and I'm totally used to having blood drawn (up until just a couple of years ago, I had it drawn once every 6 months, and whenever I needed my thyroid levels checked), I ended up having to go home early because I just felt really WEIRD and loopy and lightheaded.  But I'd do it again, now that I don't have mono. :D


Today I stayed late at work to help finish stocking.  There was a wrestling tournament, so we were really busy, and didn't have a chance to restock the cups, condiments, etc, like we normally do in between the lunch hours and the dinner hours.  So there was a LOT of restocking to do when it finally slowed down around 7, and I stayed late to finish it all so the other people could focus on what they were doing.  Yes, I was being paid for it, but I didn't have to do ALL the stocking, and I could've left sooner than when I did if I'd asked.  And I wanted to, so bad.  But there was a lot of stuff to do, and there were still a lot of customers to be taken care of so it was just easier for them if I took care of restocking while they got the food together and handed it out.

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Oh Lor....you don't really expect any child to learn that prior to any teenage rebellion, do you?   :D





Yes, I never did the teen-aged rebellion thing. I can hope that Peanut doesn't do it, too, can't I?


Kindness: I let Dana drag my sick self to Jacksonville, FL so he could go to a model show. He dropped us off at the mall and Peanut and I did V-day shopping, then we let him drag us around finding hobby shops. Peanut even sacrificed her nap for her daddy's enjoyment!

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I randomly decided to attempt to shovel the sidewalk in front of our house today; got most of it done, too, before my arms got super-tired (I'm a weakling! :D).


Then I decided to wash the dishes, too.


I don't know what got into me today, but it felt nice. :D

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