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So, I Watched The Two Towers Last Night and I Have Some Questions

The Fisher King

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I'd forgotten what a Masterpiece this thing by Peter Jackson was...Ok, Its been many years since I've read the books and a few things in the movie puzzled me:


1 How did Grima always be in two places at once? (with Saurman and Denethor)


2 Where did Saurman's army came from? (The 10, 000 that he sent to seige Helm's deep?) ... Grima had just been talking about how they needed thousands they didn't have and then Surman is like ''Oh, look out the window.''


3 Why did Theoden seem almost hesitant to fight? ... In the book I vaguely remember him being a bit more agressive.


4 Can you all agree with me that Miranda Otto as Eowyn blew away Liv Tyler (Arwen) in the HOTTABILITY AREA???


5 The books don't hint at any crush that Eowyn has for Aragorn - do they?


6 Who is the guy in the movie with the long blonde hair (I think he's Elrond's assistant) that shows up at Helm's Deep to be a pal to Theoden with all the Elven Archers?


7 Hows come Ian Mckellan was only in this one for like 5 seconds???















1 How did Grima always be in two places at once? (with Saurman and Denethor)


He wasn't. Grima didn't interact with Denethor, he was Theodin's adviser. Occasionally he met and talked with Saurman and did as he was told.


2 Where did Saurman's army came from? (The 10, 000 that he sent to seige Helm's deep?) ... Grima had just been talking about how they needed thousands they didn't have and then Surman is like ''Oh, look out the window.''


If you watch Fellowship you can watch him make that army. They were dug out of the Earth. He'd been making them for some time. It's just a dramatic reveal.


3 Why did Theoden seem almost hesitant to fight? ... In the book I vaguely remember him being a bit more agressive.


Theoden's hesitant in the book as well. Basically he doesn't want his people to be slaughtered by thousands of Orcs. He knows he's leading them to their deaths, very likely.


4 Can you all agree with me that Miranda Otto as Eowyn blew away Liv Tyler (Arwen) in the HOTTABILITY AREA???


I don't know, they're about the same for me.


5 The books don't hint at any crush that Eowyn has for Aragorn - do they?


The books do hint at a crush between Eowyn and Aragorn. It's kinda subtle, but it's most definitely there.


6 Who is the guy in the movie with the long blonde hair (I think he's Elrond's assistant) that shows up at Helm's Deep to be a pal to Theoden with all the Elven Archers?


That's Haldir, he lives in Lothlorien and is a Warden for Galadriel and Celeborn. He was also in Fellowship of the Ring. He's also in the books but he never goes to Helm's Deep.


7 Hows come Ian Mckellan was only in this one for like 5 seconds???


Because Gandalf does next to nothing during this section of the book. All he does is go out and find the rest of the Westfold army. In the movie he goes to find Eomer because that way they don't have to introduce more characters. But really Gandalf doesn't have much to do. This is Aragorn's story.


Kadere, thanks a whole lot for the info!


Yeah, I definitely don't really remember Haldir from the books.


Aragorn DEFINTIELY should have gone for Eowyn instead of dumb, dull Arwen.


Also, I think I was confusing Denethor and Theoden.


You know, Grima Wormtongue reminds me of that Mordeth fellow is WOT.


Has nobody ever talked aout that here before?





Arwen over Eowyn (at least in the movies). I'm sorry, but Liv Tyler is just sexy with elvish ears. Plus, Arwen would never visibly age, while Eowyn would grow old and wrinkly like the rest of us schmucks, therefore, Arwen, no contest.


Arwen is kind of ethereal and has an inhuman style of beauty. She's a bit cold and remote to really work as a sympathetic figure (especially since she is not human, immortal and somewhat removed from the action in the films). Eowyn, on the other hand, is much more relatable, down-to-earth and badass with a sword. Whichever one you prefer. I think I'd go for Eowyn myself ;)


Haldir is one of about four thousand characters in the book who appears on like one page and has barely any dialogue. They fleshed out his character for the movies.


Grima isn't with Theoden and Saruman at the same time. Sometimes he rides between them (it's not that far a journey, in comparison to some trips in Middle-earth) and after he is cast out by Theoden he goes and stays in Isengard permanantly.


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