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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Discussion


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Ok guys, this game has got to be one of my all time favorites on the N64 (yep, retro games are the best). Designed by Shigeru Miyamoto, the Nintendo guru (who basically established the Mario, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, Star Fox, Pikmin and F-Zero franchises, and is hence one of the best game designers ever), OCT gained (I think) the highest ever official score for a game given by Nintendo, (97% in the 100th Issue of NOM magazine - I remember those days, good times  :)) and is undoubtedly one of the best video games ever made. Ever. Despite being nearly 12 years old now, OCT is still ranked by 2 major online reviewers as the best video game of all time.


If any of you ever played it back in the day you'll know exactly how awesome it felt seeing the graphics for the first time. Nintendo released it on a 256-megabit cartridge, which was the largest capacity Nintendo produced at the time, and I was blown away by the visuals immediately. The world of Hyrule was massive! Granted its quite small compared to the games you get nowadays, but the depth and attention to detail in OCT was incredible. Hyrule field, Lake Hylia, Ganon's Castle, Gerudo Valley, The Wasteland, Market, Kokiri forest and everywhere else were so well designed and intricately put together that I was blown away.


The plot was awesome stuff too - the cut scene near the beginning of the game told by the Great Deku Tree to Link was so dark and sinister and provided a lovely contrast with the seemingly eternal paradise of Kokiri Forest. I was sucked into the story immediately - young Link, the mysterious boy without a fairy would in fact grow to become the legendary Hero of Time and save the world from the touch of the King of Evil. The story was so long, so well produced, full of highs and lows of emotion and personal attachment with Link, that you can't help but love the game. It's an epic adventure alright, but more than that it is almost like a bildungsroman (although not a novel), watching Link take the Master Sword and proceed into adulthood carrying the full responsibility of restoring equilibrium to the world.


The soundtrack I personally think was wonderful, and the tunes of the ocarina and the different areas are sounds that I strongly associate with my childhood.


A true masterpiece through and through.


Opinions anyone?  ;)


I to injoyed OCT but i didnt start playing it untill a few years ago when i still had my Gamecube, so i didnt get to be awed by the size of the game due to the fact that i was already Playing GTA3 when i got it, but i loved the story and it made wind waker that much more interesting to me. So alas i missed the realess but i do see why it would stand the test of time for video games ;D


I to injoyed OCT but i didnt start playing it untill a few years ago when i still had my Gamecube, so i didnt get to be awed by the size of the game due to the fact that i was already Playing GTA3 when i got it, but i loved the story and it made wind waker that much more interesting to me. So alas i missed the realess but i do see why it would stand the test of time for video games ;D


Ah cool cool  :)


Riding Epona was absolutely epic as well! You could call her in anywhere in Hyrule Field with Epona's Song and she'd come right to you. And then all you had to do was geat your Fairy Bow out and go night hunting Big Poes (Did any of you get 1000 points from capturing 10 of these?).


Lol yeah, I got 8 as well. I guess that the one eyed fellow gives you the last bottle if you get them all. I always just roamed in Hyrule field riding into trees waiting for them to appear.


My fav game at the moment is Borderlands...Now they have taken from all the Zelda games and made it to perfection, well the Ablity to just roam around at least,,, at least when you were riding Epona in OCT you didnt get stuck on a pebble that a worm could digest in a fraction of a second :-\


I will say Twilight Princess is probably number two in my book for the zelda series or close with some of the originals. Link to the Past and the first zelda for the nintendo are just classics. They also had an amazingly large land you could travel through.



Ocarina of Time is right above Mario RPG, but your right it wins. It is my favorite game, not to play anymore but in my memories. Going back it is just out shadowed by some current games. Take Tales of Symphonia for the gamecube :D.



The first play through I had a hard time getting all the poes, I think it was 8 as well, but the hardest thing was the Water Temple. CURSE THAT PLACE. I can now go through it in 10 minutes or so, but the first time I tried to explore the entire dungeon and get all the chests... *shivers*


I love(d) getting the Big Gorrans Sword still and Epona Song and the song you learn at the forest temple is sweet!


The second play through I went to beat everything. I got all the gold skulutas, poes, and the crazy big fish that you need the secret lure to get. Also I got all the heart pieces and... well everything. It took a while but the game was amazing.


Oh its a magnificent game for sure :D yeah water temple was a bit of a drain initially, with the whole 3 water changing points. The fight with your dark version was cool though.


I never managed 100 skultulas. There was one that drove me mad behind the temple where the builders you rescue stay in Gerudo Valley. The rumble pack stone finding thingy was buzzing, but no matter how many bombs I used or number of times I whacked th floor with the megaton hammer, the hole would not appear. Ever. So I just got bored of that.


Sidequests always discouraged me in games, because there are so many.  I did do a few, though.


That game also had great music.


Top game!


My favorite bit was when you go to the temple in the desert. You get gauntlets that makes you super strong, and you get the shield that can reflect light and magic. The boss you fight, the twin hags, was one of my faves as well. And the shield sounds smart when you charge it up


Spirit Temple! Silver Gauntlets! Mirror Shield!

Koume and Kotake, the two witches who were Ganons mothers - I thought, wtf how can comeone have 2 mothers?! ;)


I thought about buying an ocarina at one point, but never got around to it.


Saria's and Epona's song were my favorite.


Least favorite part of the game was the Shadow Temple.


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