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Tuatha'an Song.

Old Skool

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Im sorry if this topic has come up many times before...but what is God's name are the bloody Tuatha'an doing searching for a song!!!! and where the heck do you think it will come from? The Aiel? I dont really know...so please enlighten me. Anyone agree that the Tuatha'an are weird?


Its hard to answer that question, a lot of there beliefs aren;t weird. There view of the way of the leaf isn't weird, its just naive.


Also i think the lost song, is the song that rand sees aiel men and ogier singing during the age of legends in tSR. After all the tinkers are a brach off from the aiel. I think the ogier treesinging had formed form the song but is NOT the song, i find it hard to believe that in some 3000 years, no tinker has ever heard an ogier treesing, it was more comon to see in the past around the time of the trolloc wars, id guess. The tinkers did exisr during this time.


The song seems to be a form of vocalized use of the One Power. Something that has more to do with the talent called the Voice, then the actual words being sung. Effectively its like the Ogier Treesingers. A Talent not an actual magical song.


I don't personally think it will play any part--that being said its no more wierd then any other religiously held belief. It gives them hope and therefore should be honoured.


it was the nym,the aiel men and the ogier who sang it.and since somestha (the green man) was apparently the last nym its unlikely we'll see it again.but nym were constructs of the one power so maybe they'll be created again,this also backs luckers' theory it was vocalised form of the power


it was used in the aol to ensure good crop growth.


and luckers is right,to outsiders all religiuos beliefs look strange


I personally believe the 'Song'--being the human part of it--was an unatural ability. Something the Aes Sedai did to the aiel in a bid to give them the Ogier's ability.


I think that at the end of the First Age there was a massive war between channelers and non-channelers and that it destroyed the majority of the surface. The Aes Sedai trying to make up for that, swore themselves ins ervice to orthers, and the race the followed them swore themselves to peace in battle and aiding the Aes Sedai in their bid to fix the world. In that time, i think, the portal stones were made, and the Tower of Ghenjii in a bid to either flee the damaged world or find some way of saving it.


Instead they found the Ogier, who agreed to try and help, but even with their help it wasn't going fast enough so the Aes sedai began trying to artificially speeding it up, in studying the Ogier gift they tried to give it to humans, specifically their followers who likely volunteered, but not only those, it would have been bred around... but even that wasn't enough, and eventually the Aes Sedai made the Nym, living embodiements of the treesinging gift.


But as a non-natural ability i dont see it re-asserting itself now its faded--certainly not among the tuatha'an who have inter-bred with other races.

Guest Harso

Good theories all around. I always thought they were waiting for Jimmy Page to be reborn to write Stairway to Heaven.


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