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Title: Fiesta


Site: http://fiesta.outspark.com/

Cost: Free to download and play, but in order to do much of anything useful, you need to purchase coins, or whatever.

Servers: From what I've seen there are 5 North American Servers.


Setting: You are in this land called Isya, and there is this epic battle between Angels and Demons going on. There are four classes, and while they boast of completely customizable characters--it's not so much. There is a female and male face, 4 different hairstyles and 4 different hair colors. The level cap is 105. >.>

Personal experience: Okay, so what can I say? I'm a chick. I like pretty things. Fiesta looks really pretty. They graphic artists are like...awesome (they sucked me in), and they provide some very compelling and pretty screenshots.


But then you begin the downloading process, which wouldnt be so bad...except for the hours and hours of patching. Then you make your character, and you log on...only to be barraged with Gold Sellers shouting at the tops of their lungs to buy gold...over and over...for hours. Like, it's never ending. And you can block them out...but it requires you to right click them and select block...which would be fine if you could find them in the main city you start in.


Anywho, the tutorial is pretty basic, and they take you through moving and fighting and such. It's VERY cute. Like, I was saying, "Awww!" while seeing all the cute little people flying and running about. But then you start your killing of random things in this really random area inside the city, and there is apparently no way to actually claim a mob. For those of you who have ever played an MMO--usually when you attack a monster, the mob becomes yours, so that when it dies you earn exp and loot and stuff. Well, in this game--while you are killing something, random people can just run up and start hacking at your monster--and if they get the killing blow in, guess who gets the exp and loot? Not. you. Imagine that every 30 seconds. Yeah.


So. The game is super pretty. And the anime kids are really cute. But the GM's do not prohibit the Gold Sellers from spamming 24/7. Their attitude is, "So long as you spend money, do whatever you want". It is probably the worst F2P (free to play) experience I've ever had. I actually lasted two weeks before wanting to throw my pc out a window.


I do not recommend this game if you have an ounce of intelligence--or you've played ANY OTHER MMO before.






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