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5 ASOIAF Questions I'd Sure Like Your Opinions On - Spoilers For Books 1-4 Only

The Fisher King

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Thankxs For Playin!!! :)


1 Do you think Jamie Lannister will ever be a feasible swordsman with his left hand?


- I do not.


2 Do you think things would have been that much different if Eddard had lived?


- I WANT to think so, I want to think so so bad, for my dear Ned, but I don't. Ned was a soothing and calming influence on...Robert only. Robert was a moron and dead by the time Eddard was offed. I loved Ned and understand that his killing sparked the North's initiation into conflict, but it seems like SO Many things were in the pot being stirred already that his survival would have had little impact on how things seem to be playing out...that makes me sad.


3 Do you think Eddard was killed by being naive? Was he too trusting?


- We know that Her Majesty, Cersie Lannister, certainly thought these were his primary failings in The Game of Thrones - a Game he detested. I disagree with her; do you?. Varys, Jamie, Cersei, and Littlefinger are all dis-trusting and cynical and suspicious enough for a whole army and look where it has gotten each of them. ... No, sadly, my beloved Eddard's main misstep, I fear, was probably on the miltary side. He should have stripped Winterfell and kept himself surrounded by massive numbers of troops while in King's Landing...He got beat, if you look at it, in every one of his unpleasant encounters, because he was simply outnumbered.


4 Would Ser Jaime make a good king?


- I think so.


5 Do you think that Roose Boolton is like the scariest dude there ever was in all of Fantasy Books?


- I do! :'(







Thankxs For Playin!!! :)


1 Do you think Jamie Lannister will ever be a feasible swordsman with his left hand?


- I do not.



Quorin Halfhand found a way. I guess he may have been naturally ambidextrous but if Jaime lives long enough I feel he'll work something out. Maybe some other weapon even. But eventually Dany and the Martell's are gonna be coming to King's Landing and we all know how Martin loves to kill our favorite characters.





2 Do you think things would have been that much different if Eddard had lived?


- I WANT to think so, I want to think so so bad, for my dear Ned, but I don't. Ned was a soothing and calming influence on...Robert only. Robert was a moron and dead by the time Eddard was offed. I loved Ned and understand that his killing sparked the North's initiation into conflict, but it seems like SO Many things were in the pot being stirred already that his survival would have had little impact on how things seem to be playing out...that makes me sad.




Depends on the context of how he lived. If he had taken Renly up on his offer of taking Cersei and the children into custody things would've been far different. If Joffrey had spared him and sent him to the wall he would never have violated his oaths by involving himself in the politics of the seven kingdoms. Robb's war with the Lannister's may have still been inevitable but if the girl's had been returned Robb would have been more likely to just declare independence from the southern kingdoms and defend Moat Cailin.




3 Do you think Eddard was killed by being naive? Was he too trusting?


- We know that Her Majesty, Cersie Lannister, certainly thought these were his primary failings in The Game of Thrones - a Game he detested. I disagree with her; do you?. Varys, Jamie, Cersei, and Littlefinger are all dis-trusting and cynical and suspicious enough for a whole army and look where it has gotten each of them. ... No, sadly, my beloved Eddard's main misstep, I fear, was probably on the miltary side. He should have stripped Winterfell and kept himself surrounded by massive numbers of troops while in King's Landing...He got beat, if you look at it, in every one of his unpleasant encounters, because he was simply outnumbered.




The military mistake was still rooted in naivete wasn't it? Too trusting?




4 Would Ser Jaime make a good king?


- I think so.




Better than Robert? Certainly. Better than Cersei, Joffrey, Aerys? Again, the bar is pretty low. Robb seemed to have the makings of a good king but apparently a young Robert seemed to as well. Tywin Lannister on the other hand, while he was hardly a likable character, seemed smart enough to see past the brutality of war and may well have ushered in an era of peace and prosperity.




5 Do you think that Roose Boolton is like the scariest dude there ever was in all of Fantasy Books?


- I do! :'(




Ser Gregor was already pretty scary  and it appears that he's about to get scarier. The whole Bolton family history seems full of scary guys. But they were usually subservient to the Starks, even though they apparently flayed a couple. The ancient Stark Kings of the North were apparently pretty rough as well to keep the Boltons in their place.







shinerfan...thanks for your insight! I'd just like to comment on a few of your replies.


***Quorin Halfhand found a way (to fight left-handed). I guess he may have been naturally ambidextrous but if Jaime lives long enough I feel he'll work something out. Maybe some other weapon even. But eventually Dany and the Martell's are gonna be coming to King's Landing and we all know how Martin loves to kill our favorite characters.***


- But, Jamie's NOT ampi like Quor was...but Jamie has plenty of brains...and guts...those should carry him far...if his impetuousness and temper don't get him killed.



***Depends on the context of how he lived (If Eddar had llived would things have been different?)If he had taken Renly up on his offer of taking Cersei and the children into custody things would've been far different. If Joffrey had spared him and sent him to the wall he would never have violated his oaths by involving himself in the politics of the seven kingdoms. Robb's war with the Lannister's may have still been inevitable but if the girl's had been returned Robb would have been more likely to just declare independence from the southern kingdoms and defend Moat Cailin.***


- But, we have seen nothing to imply that Cersie would have KEPT her end of the deal. Also, Joffrey would still have been alive - and insane. The only way to protect himself would have been if Ned had kept himself surrounded with loyal troops (alot more than just Jory and Pals lol) at all times. Yes, Ned was a bit too trusting and naive, but in the end his biggest mistake was still, imo, not keeping up militarily with all his ennemies.



Re: If Jamie Would Make a Good King?:***Better than Robert? Certainly. Better than Cersei, Joffrey, Aerys? Again, the bar is pretty low. Robb seemed to have the makings of a good king but apparently a young Robert seemed to as well. Tywin Lannister on the other hand, while he was hardly a likable character, seemed smart enough to see past the brutality of war and may well have ushered in an era of peace and prosperity.*** 


- I agree that Tywin would have probably made an effective King - though probably not a much-loved one. Jamie has the makings to be GREAT. Which, Martin being Martin, is why he will probably be killed soon.



***The whole Bolton family history seems full of scary guys. But they were usually subservient to the Starks, even though they apparently flayed a couple. The ancient Stark Kings of the North were apparently pretty rough as well to keep the Boltons in their place.***


- I always had the feeling that Roose had been loyal to the Starks of Winterfell all those years simply because he had no other options...especially considering geographical restrictions...Once The War of The Five Kings broke-iut, he sold out to the highest bidder...it was his true nature.







If Ned had survived and been sent to the Wall, it might not have made much difference in terms of the conflict in the Seven Kingdoms, but it could well have made a difference on the Wall. Would Jon have become the Lord Commander if Eddard Stark was there? Also, he could be a source of advice, via letters, if not an actual participant in events.


I think Jaime could be an adequate king. Shame he swore to hold no lands or titles. I think if he's still alive at the end, he'll probably still be Kingsguard.


Thanks for the Feedback Mr Ares...


I think Snow would have still ended up as Commander...Titles are forgotten once the Black is Donned and all are equal brothers then...And Stark would not have been the first noble to be sent to The Wall...In other words, I guess Im trying to say that rank probably doesn't do much good once you are there so I doubt Eddard would just have become Wall Boss bc he used to be Lord of Winterfell///those ties are severed once joining and they mean nothing.


I do think he could have been a valuable mentor to Jon, but, to this point, the Nights Watchhasn't had much effect on events in the various Kingdoms, which most of the books have mainly focused on so far.


Ned biggest mistake, besides not bringing enough men South with him, was not listening to Renly's advice...Renly was a Fool, but even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and then...in that one instance, Renly's counsel to Eddard was pure tactical genius. If Ned had done it, it'd have been ''Game Over - Good Guys Win'' ...just like that.


The Kingsguard is weak and corrupted and Jamie has grown so much...i sincerely hope he is meant to accomplish grander feats...




I think Snow would have still ended up as Commander...Titles are forgotten once the Black is Donned and all are equal brothers then...And Stark would not have been the first noble to be sent to The Wall...In other words, I guess Im trying to say that rank probably doesn't do much good once you are there so I doubt Eddard would just have become Wall Boss bc he used to be Lord of Winterfell///those ties are severed once joining and they mean nothing.


I can't imagine anyone choosing Jon Snow over Ned Stark. One of them is well-respected in the north with years of experience as a military commander and leader of men, and the other is ... not.


I totally agree with youin practical terms...but, you have to remember: Thats not how the Nightswatch does things.


When you join the Night's Watch you give up your rank. You don't lose every scrap of history, experience and practical skills you once had. Why would they refuse to use someone like Ned Stark? If they ignore everyone who used to hold rank, they're ignoring a huge amount of skill and experience.


Look at people in leadership positions in the Night's Watch. In the first book the Lord Commander and the First Rangers were both previously lords in the North, the master-at-arms was a knight from a noble house, the maester is a Targaryen. By your logic, none of these people should have been promoted because they used to have titles. In fact, they were useful people, and so they held leadership positions.


Ned Stark would have been Lord Commander in ten seconds flat.


Well, then, by YOUR logic (and I'm not saying I disagree with you - in PRINCIPLE) HOW IN THE WORLD did Jon Snow get elected the FIRST Time lol??? ;)


1. A lot of better candidates were dead by then. Benjen Stark was lost, Mormont was dead, etc.

2. Jon led the defence of Castle Black.

3. The good-looking teenage male protagonist with mysterious royal heritage and special destiny is always put in charge.  ::)

Thanks for the Feedback Mr Ares...


I think Snow would have still ended up as Commander...Titles are forgotten once the Black is Donned and all are equal brothers then...And Stark would not have been the first noble to be sent to The Wall...In other words, I guess Im trying to say that rank probably doesn't do much good once you are there so I doubt Eddard would just have become Wall Boss bc he used to be Lord of Winterfell///those ties are severed once joining and they mean nothing.

I'm not saying he would get it because he was Lord of Winterfell. I'm saying he would get it because he would be a better man for the job. His rule at Winterfell is experience. Jon doesn't have that. Ned has proven competence, Jon doesn't. Also, the principle deadlock was as a result of the commanders of the Shadow Tower and Eastwatch each determined not to let the other have it. Ned works as a compromise candidate from the beginning, a much better choice, at least on paper, than Jon or most any other involved (except Dolorous Edd. Edd was screwed).


Ned biggest mistake, besides not bringing enough men South with him, was not listening to Renly's advice.
I think it was not listening to Littlefinger's. He did tell him not to trust him, after all.


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