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Colinda Wise One of the Shaarad Aiel


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Books 1 through 11 do not show or tell of any suspicious behavior about her.


Min's viewing about her might be the only indicator that she being a darkfriend or of she becoming one.

Yet the viewing might indicate any number of things.

The viewing::

"I saw - No. No, it doesn't have anything to do with you. (Rand) Maybe the heat is affecting me. When I know, I always know. It must be the heat."

Lord of Chaos Chapter 50



Books 1 through 11 do not show or tell of any suspicious behavior about her.


Min's viewing about her might be the only indicator that she being a darkfriend or of she becoming one.

Yet the viewing might indicate any number of things.

The viewing::

"I saw - No. No, it doesn't have anything to do with you. (Rand) Maybe the heat is affecting me. When I know, I always know. It must be the heat."

Lord of Chaos Chapter 50



Not directley, but heres something to chew on


Somone had to give Katrine the poision for her gaurds, and Colinda was the one in charge of the Aes Sedai prisoners.


Somone tells Moggy about Rands plan to go after Rahvin and Sammael, only way to do this in the alloted time is either Traveling or TAR. (also i believe it is only the Aiel that know about the attack for the most part)


Theres TGS Support, through cross book analysis, not a direct spoiler


And the Min quote


I dont truly think she is but someones post raised some questions in my mind. thought it would be best to get some feedback


Those could all be good points against her.


But, Min wouldn't hold it back, unless her viewing was, "She is a darkfriend, but will save Rand's life"


Unless it was something like that, then I highly doubt it.


This is good. We need more leads on potential Wise One Darkfriends, and aside from the Masuri/Annoura lead this is the only one we have.


Those could all be good points against her.


But, Min wouldn't hold it back, unless her viewing was, "She is a darkfriend, but will save Rand's life"


Unless it was something like that, then I highly doubt it.


I dont think that could be the only quote,  alot of mins darkfriend viewings they aren't all the same, min doenst know what all of her viewings mean nessicarily.


I'd really like to know of who gave her, or poisond her gaurds.


I'm temped to write a spoiler in here, i was wondering if i wrote it and put it i a size 2 font like others did with the Mistborn spoilers. if it would be alright, or if this could be moved to the spoiler thread?


Edit-- I just looking over stuff but with knowelge from TGS theres alot of stuff that needs a second look.


Only Amys, Bair, Melaine and Seana i think are the only ones that can dreamwalk,


Guess thats a probelm for Colinda telling Moggy about Rands plan


I know they are not all the same.

I am saying though, she knew something, by what she said, the way she cut off....then said it was the heat.

If she saw something that clear about her, then yeah, I would be more inclined.


I am not closed off to the possibility.

I am just saying, if Min saw that, and if she knew Colinda was a DF, then she wouldn't say it didn't concern Rand.

So, obviously she saw something weird..but what?


It doesn't affect Rand, or at least Min does not think so at the time of the viewing. What did she see?


There are others who can dreamwalk (I think), but Colinda was never introduces as one, and she would have.


Perhaps the quote is because Min kills her?


"I saw - No. No, it doesn't have anything to do with you. (Rand) Maybe the heat is affecting me. When I know, I always know. It must be the heat."


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