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Howdy Ho!


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Hello everyone!


A norwegian male, 27 year old WoT-fan stopping by. Started reading the series a couple of years ago, but stopped when my life kind of went downhill. Got things back on track now and started reading again. Currently having a blast reading "The Shadow Rising" and eagerly looking forward to the rest of the series. Just hope I finish it before I become a father, which is in march. Doubt I'll get time for reading then :)


Feels good to have found a large community like this, to share my interest of the world Jordan created.

May he rest in piece.





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Welcome to DM!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask, it's a fun site with lots to offer and as you have already noticed lots of members. If you like to write there is the Illuminators and the rp side as well. Good luck with finding where you want to hang your hat.

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