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Empy's WoW Thread!


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I went pee pee in my pants.


I also do not know how to make pictures in WoWdem... I am ok with that. 


Izzie just came back to Greys!


FDM Loves Edward.  She tried to make fun of me for liking SYTYCD but she likes the Twilight movies.  She went to see it today. 


Cosmic has a funny accent.


I played with Verbal today.  Take that anyway you want and you are probably right.


The Shadowspawn are going to rock. 

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You must use your Print Screen. Either Alt Prt Screen or Ctrl PrtScn, depending on the type of computer.


I do not watch Grey's.


I do not love Edward. I did make fun of him about SYTYCD because he got upset and called me an ass when I inadvertently told him who had been eliminated before he could watch it; and because he didn't know who Amanda Woodward from Melrose Place was--and made it a point to say it was because 'he likes girls'....even though he's into a dance show. Yeah...


Cosmic has a kick ass accent.


Poor KiKi.


They rocked before.



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