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A Noobie says, "Hello."


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I'm a noobie to the site, and have a Wolfkin bio in the works so I thought I'd stop by and say, hello.  I've a little play by post experience- but am very rusty.  It's November, and I usually do National Novel Writing Month- but I promised myself I was not going to write another manuscript until I have editied one of the ones from previous years...


So... Ever the procrastinator, and eager to write something other than what I *should* be writing- I thought I'd come back and joint a play by post again (the last one I was a part of kinda died, after two years, due to people moving on to bigger and better RL things.)




I'm super excited about playing a Wolfkin, I think they are such interesting character ideas (a very interesting take on the beat around werewolf theme.)





*Offers cookies*


Here I am!  Hope to be RP'n with y'all soon!



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Welcome again Serey, lovely to have you here. Hope you have as much fun RPing as we do.  :)


*hands over a bowl of chili* Make yourself at home.


Your bio has been CCd now, so we'll get your pick up organised.

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All righty.  So, I'm typing up my intro post and though I'd better ask and not assume:  can I write an NPC wolf?  And can said wolf tag along with my character?  Do I have to write up a bio some such to do either?




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No, he left them in his tent when he deserted. He doesn't even have the sword anymore, though he has had a new one forged. The wolves call him Snowback though, so some may be able to infer it. Eventually he may have armor made for him and wear the cloak again, though that will be a long way off.


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