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ADL Vacancy: Freelanders division - (Position is filled!)


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Description of the ADL:


The ADL is the second in command of the Division. It is a PSW staff position which grants access to the PSW staff boards as well as obtaining moderation rights on all division boards.


The duties of an ADL can vary depending on the need of a division but the general duty of an ADL is to be the back-up, back-bone and support system for the Division Leader.

In other words: it’s the ADL’s job to make the DL look good.  ;D


FL ADL job description:


I’m looking for someone who will work with me in tandem. Who can and will uphold the values of the division, support and implement the decisions taken and balance the well being of both division and members with that of the PSW as a whole. Someone I can be assured of that will keep matters in hand should I not be there for whatever reason. And someone that has a sense of responsibility to do their job without needing to be prompted every two steps of the way. In short: Someone I can rely on.


What specific duties will be assigned to the FL ADL will be determined along the way as you will be my first ADL and as such we’ll determine the contents of your job together, depending on both our strengths and interests. You will need to be flexible and willing to jump in on every aspect of the division workings though. If not as a full part of your job then in a supervising capacity or back-up.


Some things that may be expected:

- Be the eyes & ears for the DL

- Bio (cross) checking (if the biochecker is unavailable)

- rp plotting

- organising/leading/overseeing major rp activities

- updating and maintaining the division website (wiki and/or others)

- minor staff management

- moderating disputes

- participating in PSW staff discussions

- mentoring both division staff and members where needed


IMPORTANT NOTE: applicants should have (or be willing to create) at least one FL Character to rp with.




Applications should be sent to my email address to be found in my profile by 30 November.


A first selection will be done on the written application followed by an interview with those applicants that made it through the first selection.


Application form:


DM Handle:


How much time can you dedicate weekly to this job?

RP experience on DM: (how long? Any rp staff experience? Etc)

Staff experience that might be relevant to this position: (in general, not necessarily within an RP setting)

Why do you want to be the FL ADL?

What would you bring to the division as a whole and to this position specifically?

Any particular skills or talents:

Comments: (anything else you want to add to your application that could be important for the position)



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After interviewing those whose candidacy had gotten through the first round, I am satisfied with my choice and see no reason to leave this vacancy open.


Keep your eyes open for future vacancies from the Freelanders divisions and thanks for showing an interest :)




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