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It had been weeks now since Marden had tried to kill him. No, that was not really true, he reprimanded himself. He had just been beaten to unconsciousness. What was it the man had against him? He seemed to simply be angry at the world, and was taking it out on Serge Karminov. That wasn't particularly true either, but it was what Serge had been telling himself to avoid the real reason. That he was simply a failure. His position in the Tower ensured that everyone could see that. He was the only soldier ever to be given a non-channeler as a mentor. And that was simply despite his ability, his penchant for learning weaves, Serge Karminov could not channel a lick unless he was completely without control. When he could no longer handle events around him. And then it was ugly and violent. And how ironic that he had no wish to be a weapon. All he wanted was to live.


But more and more, it seemed that Marden wanted to thwart that simple ambition. His unprovoked attacks, within the guise of 'training' had become more frequent, more intense. No other trainee had a face that was a mass of bruises. True, he had much to show for it, his bladework had greatly improved, as had his skill at hand to hand combat. But Marden was a master, and altough Serge was reasonably sure that he could handle himself well against a street thug, he was still no match for the Weaponsmaster.


And now Marden wanted to take him on a trip outside the Tower, into the woods beyond. He called it another training exercise, but Serge was more than a bit suspicious at this point. He ached constantly, and the worst of it was that he had been refused Healing by every Asha'man in the camp, being told that they would not interfere with a mentor and his protege in this matter. So he was alone. Again. Dreadfully alone, and fearful of what the next day was to bring.


-Serge Karminov

Soldier of the Black Tower

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The passage of the weeks had worn on Marden, but he had stuck to the course. During it all, the man had shown a marked increase in his skills but that was only natural. A man forced to defend himself continually had no choice but to improve, and Marden had made sure to give the man little chance to rest, or gain any respite. If his student wouldn't manifest the one power and take up saidin like every other man who wore a black coat, then Marden would at least make a decent bladesman out of him so he could actually be useful to the Tower.


Of course, if the man had been able to channel he wouldn't have had Marden for a teacher. Perhaps the man saw it as a punishment, or as some sort of fate, though truth be told to it there was more to it. There always was something more to everything, as was the case of them leaving on a trip outside the farm grounds. The pretext was to teach the man how to survive in the wilds, and that was something he would learn, but of course there was the other aspect to the man's training. To push him, always push him, always keep pushing.


That and others were becoming concerned, some felt that what Marden was doing was wrong. Bunch of tenderhearted fools as far as he was concerned, its not as if they entertained the same risks as he did. Then again, those risks weren't something he feared. Either way, he had a task to do and he was going to make sure it was done. Burn what others thought, he knew what he was doing was right and that was enough for him.


Which is the attitude he took to their training. The trip was meant to last for a week, and without anyone else in sight he was free to do as he wished. Something he took full advantage of, because he had every intention of making the time on the farm seem paradise compared to now. Even as one day passed and another began, no matter what they were doing whether it was looking over herbs or working on his lathework he came down on Serge hard. It was taking its toll too, but now it was a matter of timing, a matter of breaking Serge at the right moment.


It was on the fifth day that Marden picked his moment. Amongst his things, he'd brought along a pair of blades that hadn't been blunted. Now, as the sun was just passing over its zenith, was the time for it.


Taking the blades from his belongings, he walked over to Serge who was sitting on the ground and tossed the blade on the man's lap. The man was getting to his feet out of habit and taking a guard position before he realised he was handling live steel. It was in that moment of realisation that Marden roared and charged, his first swing knocking the guard aside and dropped shoulder sending the man staggering back as he readied himself to swing again. No words, let his imagination work for him, and if he was too slow then it would be on his head.



Marden Veniso

Soldier of the Black Tower

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