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The Titles


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What do Robert Jordan's titles represent within each book?


Here's my take:


Eye of the World - Obvious


The Great Hunt - Again obvious, it's the hunt for the Horn of Valere


The Dragon Reborn - I assume this is because Rand's proclaimed himself to the world by the end?


Shadow Rising - Why this is known as The Shadow Rising I have no idea.  It seems no less dark than any of the others, except perhaps the direct hand the Forsaken take in causing Rand trouble?


The Fires of Heaven - Balefire.  Balefire plays such a huge role in this book from beginning to end, that it seems to fit into the title well.


Lord of Chaos - Well, the increased Forsaken activity here explains the reasoning behind the "Lords of Chaos" phrase Damandred seems so fond of.  But the title is not pluralized, which would suggest a single "Lord of Chaos".  Damandred being in both the prologue and epilogue suggests that he is the one granted the title, but thus far, we have no idea what he actually accomplished in LoC.  Taim and Rand are both options as well, but again it doesn't really fit.  Any ideas as to who the title is for?


Crown of Swords - The Illian Crown...not much to this one.


Path of Daggers - I don't remember this book very well, and I would like to see people's opinions on Jordan's name choice.


Winter's Heart - It takes place in the middle of Winter, but is there more to this title?


Crossroads of Twilight - No idea on this one.  The "Crossroads" could be indicative of Jordan covering all the bases for each character around the cleansing of Saidin, but the Twilight part just leaves me confused...


Knife of Dreams - Again, I don't remember much of this book, so you'll have to help me out.  I believe Olver mentions needing a copper knife to open the Tower of Ghenjei?  Something like that, anyway...


So.  What do you guys and gals think?


Knife of Dreams was explained via a quote from Comadrin - the fellow who wrote the Wheel of Time's version of Art of War - that victory and defeat alike are a knife of dreams.


Namely that the victories and defeats in the book shatter the expectations and plans of pretty much everyone.


Oh, and if you want to ask what represents what, you ought to inquire as to what Sweet's covers represent other than crimes against humanity.


The Eye of the World- They journey to the Eye of the World.


The Great Hunt- They're on the Hunt for the Horn.


The Dragon Reborn- The world learns and recognizes that the Dragon is Reborn.


The Shadow Rising- The Shadow begins to take a bigger hand in world events, the problems become more global.


The Fires of Heaven- The Shadow's effects spread faster and Rand's roll in world events have devastating consequences for the status quo and human life.


Lord of Chaos- The line Demandred gives is "Lord of Chaos" not "Lords of Chaos." The "Lord of Chaos" isn't really any one person, but more an abstract persona for allowing Chaos to rule the world.


A Crown of Swords- What Rand gains at the end.


The Path of Daggers- This comes from the Seanchan saying, and applies to the fact that all of our heroes (but mainly Egwene, Elayne, and Rand) have become or are becoming political heavy weights but must watch their step.


Winter's Heart- Obviously the heart of winter is upon them, but also Rand has become cold as winter's heart.


Crossroads of Twilight- The world is on the edge of Tarmon Gaidon and now all of heroes stand at a crossroads. If they choose the wrong path the world is doomed.


Knife of Dreams- Everyone's victories and defeats have destroyed their set plans, and everyone's squabbles pale next to the threat of Tarmon Gaidon.


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