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When things go bump in the night (Attn Arath)


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Despite his casual appearance, Daevis kept a vigilant lookout for other villagers who might see the pair of intruders. It was somewhat of a nuisance then when Lorelai charged off recklessly down the stairs. He supposed there was good reason to hurry. That thumping sound probably wasn't anything good, if that was indeed where the prisoners were being held. Still ... it was annoying.


Hurrying his pace to catch up with her, Daevis was greeted at the bottom of the stairs by the unusual sight of another wolfkin engaged in combat with a guard while her hands were tied behind her. Considering the disadvantage, she was doing quite well for herself. One guard already down, and the other still on the defensive.


The conscious guard didn't remain so for long. Momentarily distracted by the newcomers, he fell to a viscious, well aimed kick from the tied up wolfkin. He crumpled to the floor in pain, his voice catching in his throat, just before a knee connected to his face and sent him into unconsciousness.


Daevis had to admit, he was impressed. Turning to Lorelai he said with a bit of a grin, "Now why didn't you do that? It would have made things much easier."

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  • 1 month later...

"Now why didn't you do that? It would have made things much easier." Lorelai's eyes narrowed to a thin slit and she opened her mouth, but then thought better of it and closed it, ignoring the Ashaman and walking to Winifred. They greeted each other with a knowing smile, with no spoken words needed. Lorelai cut Winifred's bonds and than the Wanderer's, as Winifred peered at Daevis with interest.


"You should have said you were bringing company, Lorelai, I would have dressed up." Lorelai gave her fellow Kin a flat stare. Winifred just smiled. "We should get going. We're not out of the woods yet." Winifred's smile disappeared as quickly as it appeared and she nodded thoughtfully. They were not out of harm's way quite yet.


Lorelai hesitated for a moment before turning around to face Daevis. "Got any suggestions?"






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Daevis nodded. "We're a bit closer than you might think." He spared a glance at the two newest additions to the group. They looked pretty roughed up, but they would both manage a short trip through a gateway. Healing could wait. Tendrils of Spirit laced outward and quickly formed the shape of a gateway. A small flash of light split the air, rotating into a hole of absolute blackness. A skimming gateway. Ignoring the sounds of surprise coming from one of the newly rescued Wolfkin, Daevis stepped through the portal, onto the waiting platform. "Well, are you coming? I can hold this open for quite a while, but I'd rather not have to. It gets pretty boring in here."


A few moments later, his three companions had bustled through the gateway, and he let it snap shut behind Lorelai's heels. At once, he felt the odd sensation of still movement as the platform drifted toward his intended destination. It was only a short distance, so the trip only lasted a few seconds. The moving sensation ceased almost as soon as it began, and Daevis split the void with another gateway, this time opening up into the clearing he had been resting in earlier.


In short order, everyone had emerged from the gateway, looking no worse for their little trip in the void. Perhaps a little unnerved, but that was to be expected. Daevis had seen some new Soldiers wet themselves the first time they Skimmed.


"Sure beats walking, doesn't it? Over long distances for sure. Now then," he turned to two newly rescued wolfkin, "will you allow me to Heal your wounds and help you on your way home?"

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  • 5 months later...

Lorelai felt uneasy, standing on the platform. She did her best to seem serene, though. She wasn't going to give the Asha'man the satisfaction of thinking she was nervous. The moment the cell-rooms winked out behind them all she could see was blackness. Instead of relief over leaving that place, all she could feel was queasiness engulfing her. Relief did follow, though, when a few moments later light spilled in as a window to a clearing winked into existence.


She walked off the platform to solid ground, seemingly in no hurry. She made a huge effort not to drop on her knees and kiss the ground. No, that would not do. They were all safe, at least. That's all that mattered. Whatever means she had to use to gain that were of no consequence. Even if she had to accept help from an unknown source.


"Sure beats walking, doesn't it? Over long distances for sure. Now then, will you allow me to Heal your wounds and help you on your way home?". The Wanderer looked uneasy and Winifred shifted her gaze to Lorelai. Lorelai glanced at Daevis for a moment before nodding back to her. Winifred gave her an inappropriate smile and Lorelai rolled her eyes. Sometimes she couldn't believe her.


The Head Tracker walked towards Daevis. "We accept your offer, Asha'man. Better you see to the Wanderer first. I can wait." She gestured towards the young man, watching intently as Daevis knelt next to him.






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