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Want to Teach a class?


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Since we're a bit low on higher ranked members, I'm extending you an option to use one of the CotL NSWs to teach classes. This will cross out one of your requirements. You get to choose which ;)  You also get a free pick on what class you want to teach from the list we offer.


If you're interested either post here or PM me.






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Nope. If a class you choose has been taught before you can use it as a template. If it hasn't been taught before, it will need to be written. Which, actually, isn't as hard as it sounds. By googling the titles of the classes I've managed to find some pretty good sites that explain the topics... and that can easily be incorporated into a RP.


I will, however, request to see the lessons before you teach them... just to double check that it's okay to be posted :)


And of course, if you want to brainstorm about how to write it, I'm more than willing to sit down and chat it over for however long you want. I figure the more classes are taught, the more class base we have for future teaching.



One more note. In the case where your character is not high ranked (and because of that can't teach) then you are welcome to use the NSWs we have, as I mentioned. You have a pick between Ezekiel, who is a questioner or Evelyn who is from the army. I think choosing between them is easy. Depends what class you're giving.



Hope that answered your question. If you have more, please ask :)







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You have the 'Everything you need to know about the CotL' thread. In there you can find a list of all the requirements needed to go up every rank. That should help you out, Kara :)


And mcs, why don't you go to the thread and check?  Takes but a moment ;)





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