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GraphJam gets on the D*Con bandwagon

el Nynaeve

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Well, fortunately THE absolute worst thing I can think of was something Nyn saw, and not me. :P

Which was basically a girl wearing a thong and two stickers.


But generally, the Princess Leia costume isn't THAT bad, traditional bikini-style covering, whereas the girls at DCon like to show off even more if at all possible.  And sometimes they sexualize it more than they strictly NEED to, but then again, people at DCon like to do lots of "fun" stuff, so yeah...


I think the worst I actually saw was this...thing.  It had these huge, real-looking boobs, and it was wearing a black leotard and tights, and it looked very womanly, with the right build and the cleavage hanging out, and it was blond, but... that face.  John, Adam and I couldn't decide if it was a man in drag or a very ugly woman.


I've seen a man in drag before so I'd be tempted to go with that based on your description.


I also just realised I will never be able to bring my husband to DCon. :D


It's funny, though, after maybe the first 2 hours or so of seeing all those costumes, you start to just tune them out, so to speak.


I probably missed a lot of skimpy ones, and a lot of cool ones, because they become so common and not enough to catch your attention.  :P


Do you ever think you'll be able to make it to DCon?


I'd love to go to JordanCon, too, but I doubt I'll ever be able to afford both.  And too many people can't make it to JordanCon because of when it is, but they can make it to DCon.


I know that I probably won't be able to go to JordanCon at all while I'm in school.


But it would definitely be cool; it would be less packed with people, and all the activities would be centered around WoT, which is awesome. :D




Hopefully JordanCon will get bigger and bigger and more DM people will go so I won't feel bad if I skip a DCon to go to a JordanCon.


Because there is no way that I'd skip DCon if that was the only way to meet some of the awesome people from DM. :D


Aw, that sucks.


And that was purely not fair.


You could've let us post at least a few more times before you locked the thread.


I was trying to post something and you locked it on me.


Meh, it wasn't that important.


I'm just pissed at my internet for interacting with DM so poorly.  It goes slower, loses the connection ALL the TIME, and it's just irritating.  Or infuriating, actually.  It frustrates me enough that it makes me want to just start crying.


Sorry for semi-taking-it-out-on-you. :P


So you guys don't have a secured network, then?  That sucks.


We made sure ours has a password to get into, that way no one in our neighborhood could mooch off of our internet connection. :D


Another reason I think it could conceivably be the router is that some websites (well, only one, to date) won't work for us at all.


For whatever reason, our internet WILL NOT connect to guardian.co.uk at all.  Then again, my mom tried it with the computer hooked up directly to our modem and it still wouldn't work, so maybe it's not actually our router.


*throws hands up in the air*


I just don't know what the deal is. :P


And I'm off to bed, good night! :D




No, we have a secure connection, no one steals our bandwidth. I don't how it works but wireless connections, even secured ones, in close vicinity have trouble sharing channels. :P


My internet at work is slow. I make a reply then go and do some work. At least it is better at home!


Poor you Meesh, that sucks *hugs*


No, we have a secure connection, no one steals our bandwidth. I don't how it works but wireless connections, even secured ones, in close vicinity have trouble sharing channels. :P

Hm, I didn't know that.  That must stink.



My internet at work is slow. I make a reply then go and do some work. At least it is better at home!


Poor you Meesh, that sucks *hugs*

*hugs* Thanks. :)

And it's a good thing you have a good internet connection at home; it would stink if you had a hard time posting with us!


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