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I noticed that some people say "asterick" instead of "asterisk" when pronouncing it.  Why, people?


Also, my dad purposely mispronounces certain names to "irritate" me, even though all I do is roll my eyes.


"Redlinger" pronounced "RED-ling-er."  He says: "RED-lin-jer."


"Greiner" pronounced "GRY-ner."  He says: "gruh-NEER."


That jerk.



And what does this have to do with anything?


I don't know.


You tell me.  Or better yet, vacation.

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Why? vocal laziness, I've always thought. In my parts, it's not uncommon for someone to "ax someone a question. . ."


Yes. Go ax Sally.


As for purposeful mispronunciations. . . sometimes it's a perverse form of humor, just to rile someone up.


I've always found certain phrases. In New Orleans, it wasn't uncommon for someone to refer to the act of petting a pet as "petting on." As in "I was petting on my cat, Kali."


Where I'm from (just north of DC), this phrasing is somewhat . . .well, it sounds way dirtier than is meant. I knew someone who always used that construction and it drove me up the wall.


Oh, I know my dad's just messing around with me.  My comment ("That jerk") was sarcastic. :P  His humor is... well, interesting.  You know how "they say" that you'll end up marrying someone like your mother/father (depending on your gender)?


Well, the only way that's true is that I cannot abide someone without a sense of humor.  If they don't have a sense of humor similar to mine, I also can't deal with that much.  So, in that regard, humor has to be a big part of the life of whoever I marry.

Other than that, I don't want to be jokingly abused verbally by my husband, so sorry Dad, I'm not going to marry someone like you.




Yeah, there are a lot of words out there that are mispronounced a lot, although I'm drawing a blank for some reason.  Not that I'm any exception with some of the words, but still. :D


Vocal laziness...  That is a superb way of phrasing it.


If I had to speak that last sentence, I'd say: Awesome word choice.


Easier to say than "superb...phrasing...."


Oooo, I love rambling.


It's so fun.


For me, I mean.


Probably not for anyone else. >.>


Not like my lightsaber, which will still be in pristine condition after I'm done removing your head from your neck.


Yes, and no mess to clean up before I mount your head on my wall.  With a wooden baseboard.  You'll go over my fireplace.


Just be sure to make a pretty face right before you die, kks?


Haha nice...  I don't really see how you could compare the two of us at all... Or even link us in that manner...


That was not that disturbing. :P


He any good at the illustrations?


Hm, he definitely has that elfin look to him, but in a more sinister way....


And he's ugly.


But that guy's good. Dang.


I think Peter's ugly because his eyes are too small and they make his nose stand out more. :D  It's not like any one thing really makes him ugly, it's just the overall face. :P




Well, of course, my favorite one's The Lady, although her wide-set eyes/brow definitely give her a different look, which fits in with the rest of the pictures.  In overall style, I mean.


The other two creep me out.


*shudders* Ugh.  You know, if I looked at those pictures much, I know I'd have somewhat disturbing dreams.  Not nightmares, and not really bad dreams, but they wouldn't leave my mind, and I'd have dark dreams.


I can't handle that much disturbing. :P


Hm, that's an interesting take on things.


I like finding out why people are the way they are, but if it's in a book that's pretty disturbing, or the images are vivid and disturbing, I can't handle that.  I've got an overactive and oversensitive imagination. 

My friend and I watched the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil: Apocalypse, and then I asked her to turn it off.  It wasn't that bad yet, but I knew already that I was already screwed for that night.  And I couldn't sleep for hours, not because I was actually afraid of zombies, but because my imagination kept conjuring those images, and my adrenaline kept spiking from the fear.

And I hate that movie, because it got me hooked on the story line, but I can never watch the movie to find out what happens. >.<


Anyway, with Masema, I've never really thought about wanting to know why he's gone.  I got more of a rabid dog feel from him than anything else, and that made me want him put to sleep. :P


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