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New trainee here, just wanted to say hey to everyone. My character's bio, still awaiting an okay from the Children of the Light, is on the Bios board at the moment. The facts in brief:


Kit Galond was an impressionable young Amadician man who desperately wanted to be a Child of the Light and make the world safe from the terrible witches of Tar Valon. An Aes Sedai sacrificed her life to save his and so turned Kit's world view completely upside down and he's now off to the White Tower to try and make her sacrifice worthwhile by becoming a Warder.


I'd be especially interested if anyone else around here wants to RP with me once I'm okayed.


yeah I had to get ccd from the Kids when I first applied to.....course that was because my bio included a high-ranking one killing Shawn's foster parents so you can see why they'd have to ok it.  Anyway, welcom eto the Yards, I'll be glad to rp with you.  Check out my bio here: Anwashawn Ellasser


Looks like I'm approved! I'll have an intro post up soon, which you should all feel free to jump in on, and I'll be thinking of any RPs it would be cool to have Kit involved in. Is anything going on at the moment?


Thanks for the welcome, everyone, by the way!


My intro is now up here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,47901.0.html and it's open to all. In fact, in it our boy Kit has already gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble, due to his poor judgement in folksongs to perform, so it would be particularly good if someone jumped in to defuse the situation.


My thinking was, if your character is a senior type, they might have happened to have been in Alindaer for some reason, and been summoned by one of the concerned citizens who foresaw violence to take a hand. If your character is another trainee, but you'd still like in, you could just have been drinking in the Sister's Gift in Alindaer on your evening off (do we get evenings off?) and decide to intervene at this point.


Either way, look forward to it!


Hmm seems like so far Shawn has everything covered as far as the intervention.  I love your intro so far though, so I'll keep reading and waiting to see if there's a better time for my character to jump in.  Probably closer to the Tower whenever you guys get there.  If not, then definitely another thread!

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