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First post and don't know what to post

Narina Menderlin

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Right, but there's nothing wrong with having more than one brand of something that's a good idea.  It makes shopping easier for poor people, and it allows you to boycott the "name-brands."


No, but I'm saying it's the principal of having something out there that's an "off-brand" for people who hate "brand-name stuff," and sometimes it's cheaper.


Besides, cheap and cheaper aren't the same thing. :D


I just bought a camera for a little over $500, and it's pretty good (I've used one before), but compared to some of its slightly better counterparts, it's cheaper than they are.


Out of curiosity, why do you despise it?  I'm pretty indifferent, myself, but it's interesting to hear other people's opinions.


That does make sense.  Although, eventually the buttons get worn out and less sensitive and you have to push them multiple times for them to work.


I'd know.  Don't keep the same exact phone for 2 years straight, people.  They don't last well that long.


I've only had that happen once.  To a VERY old phone.


And you think touch screen is immune to such?  All the "touch-screen" techno gadgets I've ever come across stop working after so long.  Either that or you have to start pushing down very hard.  Sound familiar.


So yeah, I'm biased.


Ain't nuthin' wrong with that.


And I really really really need to get a new phone.  Which I would.  Only, the lady I work for got laid off from her job.  So no more money for me right now.  I shall have to work for my parents in an amount that equals my rent, even though I'll never actually see a penny of it.  Nor will they.  It's just the thought that counts, and the fact that they're getting free labor out of me.

Anyway, so she got laid off and she's moving ASAP to the city where her parents live.  When she gets married in the next year or so, her family (her, her husband, and her 3 girls) is going to stay in that city.


My life sucks.  I'm broke because I just spent most of my money on the camera I need for class.


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