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How are Rand, Mat and Perrin gonna win TG?


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Maybe they will run into each other and combine to form super Randmat+perrin with 6 arms and 3 head ect...  :o


??? Honestly I have no idea how they will defeat the dark one, apart rand fighting him   


but what are mat and perrin gonna do    neither can channel?  ???


any thoughts? 


Mat and Perrins part, I think the battle in Falme gives a hint about this. Their action will be on the battlefield, while Rand is doing his thing at SG. And like in Falme, the two fights will mirror eachother. Success for Mat and Perrin will be a boost for Rand, success for Rand will give Mat and Perrin an advantage. And the other way around, if any of them is in trouble.


This also fits with the greater conflict, Chaos vs Order.


I think Rand, with Mat and Perrin clsoe by, will figure out that he can bend the Pattern and do so to create a void around the Dark One, so the Dark One is trapped within the Pattern but cannot touch it or be touched by it. And then in years to come someone will "drill a hole" in that void; in other words, discover the True Power, use it, and thus create a small thread of reality in that void, between the world and the Dark One. Which will in time be called the Bore.


Personally, I think they've all got to be together for some reason to defeat S*(&tan. Perhaps this is why Mat and Perrin always feel pulled towards Rand.

  • 2 weeks later...

i agree with majsju, it will be like falme, but ten times bigger. Personally i hop it is like the Trolloc Wars, with all the good guys (yes, and the Seanchan, on the condition that they return all the non-seanchan damane, of course) against a hell of a lot of Trollocs and Fades.


But i think that you are missing something. In the age of legends the DO was released, the world didn't instantly blow up, a bunch of shadowspawn and Darkfriends popped up. It will be like that, a big war and rand mat and perrin lead the assault to shayol gul. Rand will go to the pit of dhoom, fight the dark one with the chodan kal (i dont think that the female one can be used, it melted) and battle the DO. Im not sure if a giant shadowy form will come out, (thats pretty cliche') or the battle will be like the cleansing of saidin, with no visible action, or if the DO will come in human form, or possess one of the forsaken or someone.


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