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Guest Egwene

Welcome Adam!


Once you have had a look around, why don't you come and leave your vote on the Asmodean thread on the book discussion board!!


... and of course, if you know who did it... plenty of people there who will test drive your theory :wink:

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Welcome Adam!!

It's great that you signed up for the Band of the Red Hand! There are a bunch of awesome people in it and I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun.

Before you are an official raw recruit with an assignment let me tell you that the Archer division is the best! :wink:


lol okay btw you should make a hello thread so that we can get to know ya a little better :D

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Welcome Adam. Now you'll get to see a whole bunch of people argue the same points over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over... and no matter how many times we say "RJ said Taim isn't Demandred" or "Bela's a horse and thus can't do anything to Asmodean!" people will continue to list them as theories. The scary part is that even when you've read the same theories to the point that you think your head will explode like an Aeilman running from an Asha'man during Dumai's Wells, you'll keep coming back again and again and again because the people here (whom you'll probably never meet) just basically became your family.... yeah I visit here WAY too much.

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