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Harry Potter Week Scavenger Hunt! July 12 - 18


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Welcome to the Blue Ajah's Harry Potter Week!  The event described in this posting will take you on a magical hunt!


Starting sometime on Sunday (U.S. Central Daylight Time), I will be posting a series of items for which you will then search the internet.  They might be pictures, they might be spells, they might be potions . . .  For example, I might ask you to find me the recipe/ingredients for a wiggenweld potion (no, that's not one of the scavenger hunt items) or a picture of the Venomous Tentacula (and, not, that's not one either!).


Your task is to locate these items online and then send the results to me, Daruya, via PM.  Pictures should include a link (URL).  For spells I'll be looking for the word that one utters to cast it plus a description of its effects.  For potions I'll be looking for the ingredients/recipe.  You get the idea. ;D  If you have any questions, post them here.


At this point, I'm planning on posting 5 items per day.  You will search for and find the items and then send them to me via PM, as indicated above.


The winner of the scavenger hunt gets to “wear” an awesome siggie after the event is over!




Day #1:


Remember, for pictures every effort must be made to find/use a picture from the HP movie(s) rather than a generic item picture!


That said, here is the first set!


1. Cauldron

2. Wand

3. Mrs. Norris

4. Dark Mark

5. Hedwig


Day #2:


Please find for me:


6.  Gryffindor crest 

7.  Ravenclaw crest 

8.  Hufflepuff crest

9.  Slytherin crest 

10. Hogwarts crest


BTW, you don't have to send me the results every day if you prefer to send them in one batch.  Also, if you come into this late, you still have a chance to win!


No, although if you can find them from the films that would be peachy!  For the crests, pictures that show what the crests look like are quite acceptable.  I found some really nice ones when I was doing my research!


Day #3:


11. Polyjuice Potion

12. Nimbus 2000 or 2001 or Firebolt 

13. Apparation  (description/details)

14. Pensieve 

15. Time turner 



Today is the big day!  Today the movie is being released in theaters!  ;D


Day #4:


16. House elf

17. Gryffindor's sword 

18. Hufflepuff's Cup 

19. Ravenclaw's diadem 

20. Slytherin's locket


Day #5:


21. Draught of Living Death

22. Thestrel 

23. Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington

24. Levicorpus

25. Sectum Sempra



I'm posting these a bit early since I'm not sure I'll have time in the morning.


Day #6:


26. Horcrux (description)

27. a Snitch

28. pygmy puff

29. chocolate frog

30. acromantula


This is the last set!  A winner will be announced some time on Saturday. It's not too late to start your search and send in your results!  Cutoff will be midnight Friday, UTC-5 (formerly GMT-5), U.S. central daylight time.


I must beg everyone's indulgence and ask for another day to post the winner.  I've been battling fire ants who seem to think my house is theirs, and then we went to see HBP this evening!


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