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This may have been disscussed before in fact I'm sure it has been unless everybody is just to busy wondering we killed Asmodean :wink: any I just got through reading my two faverite Chapters in Lord of Choas agian. Fire and Spirit and to Heal Again where Nyneave heals Suin and Leanna (my apoligies for any misspelling in the names I'm two lazy to get up and check them atm). Any way it sparked a thought that I've had form time two time and was wondering if anybody noticed the same thing. When Nyneave heals Logan...I don't ever remember anybody ever mentioning if Logan was weaker in the power now that hew as healed Like Suin and Leanna.


I also remember the first chapter in I Crossroads of Twilight the one with Samitsu and Sashalle it seems to me that Sashalle having been healed by a man has her full strength in the power back enough at least that she's strong enough in the power to expect a defferiance with Samitsu one that Samitsue is having a hard time giving into since Cadsuane left her in charge.


The hole point I'm getting at and like I said this has probably all been spoted before is that if a man is healed by a women he seems to get his full strength back in the power, and if a women is healed by a man She get's her full strength back, but not if she is healed by another women, I would assume that the reverse would be true for a man. Anyway it was something that has been bouncing in the back of my mind for a while, I'm wondering though if it would be possible for a man to maybe "finnish" the healing on Suian and Leanna so they could get they're full strength back in the power somehow it doesn't seem right that they're both weaker then they should be...That might be just wishfull thinking though seeing as how once things are healed they can't be healed agian...any thoughts?


The point about men being able to heal women fully and women being able to heal men completely is well known and supported.


I've often wondered about the "finishing the job" principle myself. I can't remember if RJ said anything about it, but I would hazard the guess that it could be done. Maybe the person has to be re-severed, but I think it could be done.






I agree with Genesis. I thought of Leane and Suian's healing as kinda like a broken bone that wasn't set properly. It would need to be rebroken before it could be fixed.


i think man needing to heal women and vice versa has been established, the 2nd part about "finishing the job" i think is under debate though. i originally thought they might be able to be healed back to original strength by flinn, after begin stilled again first, but now i think they cant, as if the strength they have now would be classed as what they always had. so instead of being able to heal to original strength, they would only be healed back to their current strength, only my theory though, i dont think we'll see this happen in the series anyway as these characters arent used for their strength in the power anymore


RJ himself has stated that he did it this way to show that men and women need to start working together for the Last Battle. Just like in the Second Age, the greatest marvels were found when men and women worked together.


As for finishing the job, I highly doubt it. Nyneave wonders at this herself, and it's stated that what's been healed can't be healed again.


Though, I guess you could still the woman again, and then have an asha'man heal her, but I don't think any woman would want to be stille for a second time, and there's no gurantee that the "full ability" the man now brought them to was simply the full ability of what they had after the first healing.


I tend to think that when Leane and Siuan were healed, the job wasn't complete. I think if a man now came in to heal them, they would be fully restored. It's like adding more oarsmen to a boat. When Nyneave healed them it's like they went from zero oarsmen to five. Now a man comes along and adds the other five to fill the boat. I do however spectulate that if a stilled person is healed by both a man and a woman that that person might even be stronger than before they were stilled. Then again, maybe not.


About not being able to "Heal what's been healed"


Didn't Rhavin's POV in the Forsaken meeting in the beginning of Fires of Heaven mention that Sammuel could have the scar on his face removed once he defeated Lews Therin? I think the stronger Aes Sedai from the AOL or some one of comparable strength could "remove the scar" of Nyneave's healing.

About not being able to "Heal what's been healed"


Didn't Rhavin's POV in the Forsaken meeting in the beginning of Fires of Heaven mention that Sammuel could have the scar on his face removed once he defeated Lews Therin? I think the stronger Aes Sedai from the AOL or some one of comparable strength could "remove the scar" of Nyneave's healing.


We have to remember how the healing is described and how it works.


I have no idea how the men do it, but Nynaeve uses her weave to bridge the channel that has been cut to allow the connection to re-establish itself.


Now if that bridge doesn't seem to work as well on women there must be a reason for it. If you can figure that out, then there may be a way to fix it.


My guess is that saidin and saidar's nature of attraction and resistance may have something to do with it as well. A bridge established by the opposite power could coax and encourage the flow to be stronger, hence the connection is much smoother. Using saidar with saidar on the other hand may limit the flow of saidar due to its nature being vast and serene. The resistance and churning turmoil of saidin may be needed to charge up the connection.


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